Spore-tacular Shenanigans

Goonie Goat

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looks like I’ll get a 2nd flush but unsure that I’ve not got mould - I did damage the myc taking out some of the shrooms which is the blue bruising but I think there is some contamination there too, maybe in the middle?

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You can give them a spray over with hydrogen peroxide if you have some, won't hurt them and will clean up any contam near the surface, might just have to keep doing it every few days. I throw my contam bags in the compost bin and they end up outgrowing the contam and actually grow better there than anywhere else 😆

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You can give them a spray over with hydrogen peroxide if you have some, won't hurt them and will clean up any contam near the surface, might just have to keep doing it every few days. I throw my contam bags in the compost bin and they end up outgrowing the contam and actually grow better there than anywhere else 😆
thanks Goonie, I have some of the 3% stuff for helping me germ seeds but it’s in a bottle - do I need to mix with water or what’s the go mate?

Sun Ra

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Jack Frost - had a fresh one about two hours ago, I know I got good advise not to mix but after the brownie this AM, the excitement of harvesting and a few lovely pints at a local, I had one of the mid-size ones - weighted 2.2gm after three hours in the dehydrator and while I’m not tripping, I have a lovely warm buzz here sitting on the couch petting the cat. she’s fuckin loving it so something is working
I've had a few trips with this little guy. He gets it.

IMG_0964 3.jpeg


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Jack Frost - had a fresh one about two hours ago, I know I got good advise not to mix but after the brownie this AM, the excitement of harvesting and a few lovely pints at a local, I had one of the mid-size ones - weighted 2.2gm after three hours in the dehydrator and while I’m not tripping, I have a lovely warm buzz here sitting on the couch petting the cat. she’s fuckin loving it so something is working
That's the level I like to get to I go and sometimes I go until the tarp covering my boat near where I sit outside starts to pull faces at me. There is a great documentary on netflix. In it Paul Stamets states how he had a bad stuttering problem when he was young. After a heavy trip one night he ended up climbing a tree in a storm and while he was up there told himself he has to stop stuttering and the next day he did


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was planning on taking a dose yesterday however got stuck at the local and was too cut by the time I got home. so today might be the day if I can get shit done, otherwise definitely tomorrow

in the meantime I’ve given em a wee spray of the hydrogen peroxide, misted everything and thinking if not this evening, they’re going to be ready to pick tomorrow morning



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so i took a 1.2g dry dose about 5 hours ago - it’s been going on 30 years since I’ve had anything psychedelic so wasn’t entirely sure what to expect but it was fun and looking forward to doing it again, probably with a larger dose next time

i didn’t have any mad hallucinations but within 30 minutes and whenever i closed my eyes over the next 2-3 hours, I had a some fantastic, colourful shit going on - open my eyes and everything was fine, closed them and I had all sorts of shifting patterns and colours that just kept changing, very pleasant

the cat and me spent about 30 minutes staring at each other when she sat on my chest, enjoyed that

listened to a few tunes, the orb were great and spent some time on the balcony watching the clouds, then went for a short walk in the CBD, way too much shit going on out there so back home and fairly sure it’s all over now

only downside is my stomach feels a bit average but that could be the beers yesterday rather than the shrooms earlier


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so i took a 1.2g dry dose about 5 hours ago - it’s been going on 30 years since I’ve had anything psychedelic so wasn’t entirely sure what to expect but it was fun and looking forward to doing it again, probably with a larger dose next time

i didn’t have any mad hallucinations but within 30 minutes and whenever i closed my eyes over the next 2-3 hours, I had a some fantastic, colourful shit going on - open my eyes and everything was fine, closed them and I had all sorts of shifting patterns and colours that just kept changing, very pleasant

the cat and me spent about 30 minutes staring at each other when she sat on my chest, enjoyed that

listened to a few tunes, the orb were great and spent some time on the balcony watching the clouds, then went for a short walk in the CBD, way too much shit going on out there so back home and fairly sure it’s all over now

only downside is my stomach feels a bit average but that could be the beers yesterday rather than the shrooms earlier
About how many shrooms is 1.2g?


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About how many shrooms is 1.2g?
it was two long thin ones with decent heads, they’d be two of the larger ones on the right of the pic in the dehydrator earlier

i reckon u would be better off weighing them unless maybe u start with one, wait a while - way more experienced folks can give u better advice on that mate

Anaken Moonwalk

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For completeness sake, I tried 0.5g of the Equador that are pictured earlier in this thread - it was s single, small dried shroom. It was a super pleasant buzz, very smiley/laughy in a sore cheeks kind of way. Had the company of an attractive girl (3rd date) which no doubt helped ;)


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it was two long thin ones with decent heads, they’d be two of the larger ones on the right of the pic in the dehydrator earlier

i reckon u would be better off weighing them unless maybe u start with one, wait a while - way more experienced folks can give u better advice on that mate
Cheers looks like you will get a few good trips with your grows. The first time I took shrooms was at a bush doof as a younger fella had 5 gold caps all at once was tripping the next day seeing squid tentacles coming at my face everytime I closed my eyes, I loved it tripping hard. I had a feeling the hippy who gave them to me was tricking me saying 5 will be a good start

Love to grow

Foot man
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I gave a few grams to a mate who tried them while camping over the weekend, he loves every kind of drug and their feedback was very positive so fairly sure they won’t last long 👍
Nah I meant u eat em all in 1 go ya gotta find out if they work right can’t kill ya so send her Orb😂👍
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So the H202 doesn't kill the Myc ? This could help me out heaps
dunno Hudo, I only mist it with a small gentle spray, with more on misting the inside of the bag

doesn’t seem to stop shrooms growing when the condensation rolls down the towards the edges but I’m wondering if the fluff I’m seeing especially on the left below is mould

this is flush #3, it’s almost weekly. thinking I might dunk it next time and giving it a spray of the hydrogen peroxide in the meantime cause I stopped after two sprays last time

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Goonie Goat

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3% is fine to spray on undiluted but higher concentrations will kill mycelium for sure. Spray bottle lids fit over the little peroxide bottles too (some do at least), just gotta cut the tube down to size 👍

This guy sprayed it too much but basically what I've done (without digging it up) to a few of my tubs.. this is more of a cobweb mould fix, people do reckon they have beat trichoderma while it's in the early stages too
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