Hash Making

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...lines a smaller Pyrex container lined with baking paper.
I'd get rid of the paper, if the oil is super sticky it can be a real bastard to remove from paper or tin foil. The plus with foil is that you can heat it up, melt it and it will run off the foil
The glass pyrex dish is your friend. It'll handle the heat. It'll handle scrapping with a blade and is easy to clean up

Jeeze the smell of alcohol is a little hard for an alcoholic ( sober) to smell I tell ya ;)
Yea, I knew a bloke in NSW and it was his 'drug of choice' add it to OJ and.... FARK ME. Bit harsh for my liking.
It had fucked his gut up something terrible, he was spewin up green shit. I doubt he's still alive if I'm honest.

Harry bootlace

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Ok thanks. Done.

I used to drink Chinese cooking wine which is beyond aweful to drink. Like fermented seawater. But $2 a bottle and 20% alcohol cheap as chips and not quite so poisonous. . When I ran out of vodka and scotch that is.

I’d get so shaky if I ran out of booze I couldn’t walk or even use a key so I’d be stuck. As I hid my drinking I couldn’t ask anyone. So a bottle of cooking wine got me to a pint I could physically leave and get something stronger.

I’d say happy days but they were far from that.

Anyway long time in my past. I’m a different person now. Much happier and healthier with weed.


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Ok thanks. Done.

I used to drink Chinese cooking wine which is beyond aweful to drink. Like fermented seawater. But $2 a bottle and 20% alcohol cheap as chips and not quite so poisonous. . When I ran out of vodka and scotch that is.

I’d get so shaky if I ran out of booze I couldn’t walk or even use a key so I’d be stuck. As I hid my drinking I couldn’t ask anyone. So a bottle of cooking wine got me to a pint I could physically leave and get something stronger.

I’d say happy days but they were far from that.

Anyway long time in my past. I’m a different person now. Much happier and healthier with weed.
Awesome 😎 to hear HB much better choice to dance with Mary Jane.

Depends on the quality of the bud
Based on what I am looking at here I reckon the buds are "Quality"😁


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I got to the metho for a bit. Spent years in and out of detox/rehab for a while, that's where I met 'Iso man'.
It was the rehab programs that had me swapping 'the witch for the bitch', get me off the grog and onto pharmas. Don't know which was worse, couldn't choose really. They're both fuckin evil.

But like you:
"Anyway long time in my past. I’m a different person now. Much happier and healthier with weed."

Harry bootlace

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Ahh yeah pharmaceuticals was my next vice too.
I was too scared to try weed again back then because I’d had a few panic attacks and didn’t want to risk it. Should have stuck to the drug of choice as a teenager all along.


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How long does the oil last in storage? And whats the best way to store it? I have a pill bottle full prob 200ml I made a couple yrs ago, I was going to ditch it Ive had it stored in a cool dark place but I assumed it'd be no good by now..

Harry bootlace

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How long does the oil last in storage? And whats the best way to store it? I have a pill bottle full prob 200ml I made a couple yrs ago, I was going to ditch it Ive had it stored in a cool dark place but I assumed it'd be no good by now..
Give it a go and let us know ;)


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Haha shit. Making soup and thought to myself. I’ll go check at ha’past which was 35 minutes away.

Look at TSE

Realise I forgot about the time.

Run to the kitchen.

It’s only been 5 minutes.
That sounds just too dangerous for you Harry.
I think you should send it ALL to me for some 'scientific' analysis :geek::ROFLMAO:🤔
Just to be on the safe side 🤣 Only looking after your safety of course 😇:ROFLMAO:


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Ahh yeah pharmaceuticals was my next vice too.
Ohh at the time I was:
"The new and improved... ...Instant arsehole... ...Just add alcohol" I had to get off the grog
With the pharmas it was
"The complete arsehole... ...No alcohol required... ...pre-primed, ready to go." I didn't want to get off the meds, those were TOO NICE. I didn't have a problem, it was everybody else who had the fuckin problem. OHH NASTY. Back then, If you'd looked up the definition of 'Kunt' in an encyclopaedia (Remember them, encyclopaedia ) there'd be a picture of me.
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I only did iso/ethyl extractions a handful of times, but was always slow, messy, and the end product always tasted awful.

Trying to scrape off the frozen shit from the pyrex and the flakes flick out all over the place, stick to everything. Was always a challenge to collect the crap.

Not for everyone, but undoubtedly get better returns and a much cleaner product from the rosin press, especially when pressing bubble hash from trim/substandard bud.
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