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Nah, greenfield go alright. though i did hear a rumour they're scaling back the business. Possibly another aussie company to be thrown on the scrap heap in time.


Forum Pisshead
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You’d get on well with me mate Glen Pedro, his a flat earther, no amount of evidence is every going to convince him the earth is a sphere. Same as u I think no amount of evidence will convince u because u believe what u believe.


Forum Pisshead
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Nah, greenfield go alright. though i did hear a rumour they're scaling back the business. Possibly another aussie company to be thrown on the scrap heap in time.

They merged with another manufacturer, mine is a beast I love it. Want to restore my 1980’s one.

I’ve got the Briggs 13hp motor, me dad has the 18hp Honda motor that one fly’s.

Aussie made I like it.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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You’d get on well with me mate Glen Pedro, his a flat earther, no amount of evidence is every going to convince him the earth is a sphere. Same as u I think no amount of evidence will convince u because u believe what u believe.
Ya got any proof the earth is "round" Gazza ??

I find it a bit hard to believe in "global warming" when its not warming hey, been 30 years of bullshit predictions
not one has come true

Maybe its time for some Tim Flannery quotes?


Forum Pisshead
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Photo from the international space station holy fuck it looks round that’s amazing how do they do it.

You can stick a couple of stakes in the ground about a meter apart and measure the shadow if the earth was flat the shadows would be the same length guess what they different fucking amazing again.

Lunar eclipses also cast the earths shadow onto the moon, you gussed it the shadow has a curvature fucking unbelievable I can’t believe it it’s fucking magic.F55CE5A5-2AE5-4286-B530-8E3521AFB854.jpeg


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Well, twice when i was young and naive to the ways of the world i've had this crap rammed down my throat from a parent, and a youth group. I was also raised under constant physical and mental abuse, and i would put my religious experiences in the same basket of that abuse.

Sorry, Sugs. There's nothing you or anyone else can say or do to change my view. I'm content to go through life with the thought that i may be judged eventually by the big fella. If i didn't live up to his expectations, so be it. cast me to the eternal fire pit. I'll just drop him a hint that he might want to have a word to his believer's that they might want to change up their ways. as it can be bloody terrifying to the point that folks can be turned off from religion altogether. Bunch of rightious fucks i have no time for anymore.

And, please. don't bother with the softly softly approach, as i'm well rehearsed with that bs angle as well.

Nothing against you personally, Sug's. as you should be well aware. it's just a subject i gets me riled up reasonably quickly when someone comes at me with it. Just keep in mind abuse comes in many forms.

Sorry mate x


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Sorry mate x
All good, sugs. You didn't have anything to do with it.

Just unfortunately some amateurish self-appointed servants take it way too far, that it actually creates a polar opposite outcome than what they set out to achieve.

For one, a parent to try put the fear of god into their kids more times than one could care to imagine. To a nutjob mob that turned a teenage baptism in a lake, into a out of hand exorcism that freaked myself and them out. No one come out winners with that one.

But yeah, just saying. If one really want to do god's work. Maybe wait for the person to present themself to you for advice/help (not you exclusively, sugs), in a calm approachable manner. Because freaking others out, and pulling the shutters on someone when they question god's ways doesn't do much to encourage lines of conmunication to stay open for long, in regards to this subject.


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Well, twice when i was young and naive to the ways of the world i've had this crap rammed down my throat from a parent, and a youth group. I was also raised under constant physical and mental abuse, and i would put my religious experiences in the same basket of that abuse.

Sorry, Sugs. There's nothing you or anyone else can say or do to change my view. I'm content to go through life with the thought that i may be judged eventually by the big fella. If i didn't live up to his expectations, so be it. cast me to the eternal fire pit. I'll just drop him a hint that he might want to have a word to his believer's that they might want to change up their ways. as it can be bloody terrifying to the point that folks can be turned off from religion altogether. Bunch of rightious fucks i have no time for anymore.

And, please. don't bother with the softly softly approach, as i'm well rehearsed with that bs angle as well.

Nothing against you personally, Sug's. as you should be well aware. it's just a subject i gets me riled up reasonably quickly when someone comes at me with it. Just keep in mind abuse comes in many forms.

When I was younger I looked into Religion. I thought the ideas expressed by a Friend of mine about Christianity couldn't be correct. This was before TV in West Aust and he listened (faithfully, I guess) to a radio raver called Garner Ted Armstrong. My Wife had a child on the way and my Friend would tell me that I must baptise the child or it would suffer eternal damnation. Think about that: Eternal Damnation, Not just Damnation! The way that child was gonna die involved untold suffering and it hadn't even been born yet!
What a fukn horror story! So I wondered what was inside my Friend's head?! What was in Garner Ted's head?!

Nowadays I think I know what was in their heads. What they had was images of fresh corpses dripping blood from wounds and in the background was a cross. That bloodthirsty violent image scarred them for life!

I don't live in WA anymore and I looked for my old Friend in Electoral Roles and on Facebook (shudder) but couldn't find him. Thinking back on the sort of guy he was my best bet is that he suicided. Maybe he thought Jesus was his boyfriend too and killed himself out of disappointment.
(Oh yeah. While I 'm on the subject: Did you know that Hippie Fred meditated amd meditated amd meditated so he could reach a cosmic state and see god? After years he finally succeed ... and god told him to stop meditating ...)


Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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I flipped the Greenfield, had the hubs locked, wheels spun a bit then gripped and over it went,
Sphincter tightening experiences VB. The hill I flipped my ride on just doesn't get mowed anymore. Too steep for a push


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If you got the traditional type of ride-on mower, and you come with a bit of poundage, you might find if you lift you arse off the seat and slide it sideways as to get your weight, over onto rear wheel on the high side. You might be surprised to where you can get with them.

There's an embankment I mow that'd be pitched at a 30-35 degree angle. That said, that's about the limit I can push that particular ride on.

It really doesn't need to be said, but will anyway. Don't attempt this shit if you don't know what you're doing. Play it safe.


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ride on mowers and slasher trackers are horrible.

Someone I know who's 15 yr old son was driving a slasher tractor with 9 yr old sister sitting on the back while mowing property and little girl fell off the back and the blades weren't covered and she got slashed and killed.
Dont mess around with those things.

Folks, I have some stuff I'm dealing with at home I need to focus on so wont be around as much but will pop in now and then.

Take care and God bless x


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Who wants an injection of aborted foetus cells ???.
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