You don't need a spiritual room..


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Happy Easter Sugar -and everyone on TSE 🤩Ive been trimming since early this morning. About to burn my first joint of the day - I don't enjoy trimming while stoned, makes me work waaaayy too slow. Hot cross buns with butter and honey, and bottomless cups of tea, kept me energised. Daughter must have smelled buds from her place. Rocked up here for 10 minutes, helped trim 2 buds, ripped into a few bongs, raided the fridge and pantry, and left with an ounce bag of new season harvest for the weekend. 🤔
Cunt you must be the most lenient father alive.
My kids would have to trim 5oz to get a quarter off me.😂😂

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PS: bums on display? so you know what happens when a bum rises up and slaps the absolute crap out of a fabian?I
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