The Wuhan virus 🦠


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They can't make their mind up, they want to remain fluid in their way of thinking and attack whatever is front of them, until everything becomes one big clusterfuck and broken.

Then we sit back and watch the shitshow once they turn on each other thereafter. 🍿

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Well.. clearly i'm left out of the loop. I was unaware of TSE's Awards Ceremony, and yet they ballzed it up 'n sent me Sedge's award. :oops:

Quite worthy too i must admit. Sedge set me straight in regards to how shifty the Gov is, and the benefits of Ivermectin. (y)



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Yeah fuck the WHO the UN the USA the UK the royals and everybody else involved in their evil empire and our puppet gov for being so far up all their arses!
Im afraid for the world our children and grand children are inheriting..
amen to that @BigRobbo i got 3 boys (2 builders and a graphic desighner) and a girl (child care )and 1 grandy that futures are in the hands of a bunch of arse licking,corruption,fascists,cunts....i havnt said it to them like that of course.
as parents we should be concerned
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