Fedelar Erection

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Forum Pisshead
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NBNco they can get fucked too, any poor regional folk get Starlink fucking shits all over nbn’s service that you pay top dollar for that’s worse than dial up on a 36k modem.


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ICAC will sink Dutton.

Bloody hope so, they can't rebuild with him at the helm. The sad part is, in the meantime, no one from the Libs has the balls to try and take it from him. :rolleyes:

Yeah albo slapped her down about it as well.

Yeah, Albo is doing a good of trying to cut the rot out. On the night of his acceptance speach, he was onto the yobs straight away. (y)


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Fryingturd would of been better but he got the arse too 🤣

No chance of re-election with potato head in charge, don’t mind Albo hopefully his more in tune with the commoners, not sure about Wong time will tell.
Fuck as long as Albo don't forget his past of poor single mother, retarded brother and commonwealth housing he should be one of the best PM's we've had in a very long time!!
Bout time we saw the back of the private school elitists liberal parasites!
The real question is can he stand up to the endless lobby groups!


The Dwarf Hermie King
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18% power price increase, fuck I might be getting that solar battery sooner rather than later.

We are all just taken for mugs, pay pay pay now pay more cunts fuck they piss me off 😡
Our prices are going up because of global demand for our coal and gas!!

It's fucking bullshit it's our fucking resources and we're paying top fucking dollar. We should have the cheapest power in the world instead we have some of the highest!!


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Our prices are going up because of global demand for our coal and gas!!

It's fucking bullshit it's our fucking resources and we're paying top fucking dollar. We should have the cheapest power in the world instead we have some of the highest!!
Bring on labor’s investment into the grid and the renewables surge from private buisness that will follow.

Taylor was dragging his feet propping up his buddies coal and gas projects while renewables developers have been crying for grid investment and upgrades for years so they can put their own projects into action.
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