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HPS turncoat
Community Member
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His interpretation resonates with me :)
Yeah fair enough.

i just find it interesting that anybody can believe

in the Bible tales with such "Blind Faith"

i just dont get how somebody like yourself

who comes across as a well balanced "normal" kinda person:)

can believe in such tall,unrealistic and unbelievable, to the point of

bizarre stories...


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Thor? you mean thunder that God created? lol

There is only one God, the creator of all that is.

Nehemiah 9:6
"You alone are the Lord.
You have made the heavens,
The heaven of heavens with all their host,
The earth and all that is on it,
The seas and all that is in them.
You give life to all of them.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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I believe there could be lots of GODs, all ya need is a believer and your on you way
there was lots of GOD's around before moses came along and talked to a burning bush
they just lost their believers and ceased to exist IMO


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I believe there could be lots of GODs, all ya need is a believer and your on you way
there was lots of GOD's around before moses came along and talked to a burning bush
they just lost their believers and ceased to exist IMO

exactly and God is always calling his people back to Him as they chase after false idols and false gods.

Hence the 10 Commandments and the first is

I am the Lord your God
You shall have no others gods before me...

Always throughout history and recorded in the Bible are times when God calls his people back to Him using various prophets such as Isaiah and Hosea and Jeremiah and lots more to get his message out.


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...and you know what the people did when Moses came down the mountain with the 2 tablets of stone with the 10 Commandments?

They thought Moses was taking too long up in the mountain and so they made for themselves a golden calf to worship...

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
User ID
Who's to say your God is not a fake idol, the Devils greatest trick is to convince the people he doesn't exist
maybe God is really the Devil, it makes sense, the real God has lost he/she/its believers to the false Moses God, a.k.a. the Devil

the way the worlds is going I wouldn't be to surprised if that was the case, pedo's in the churches for starters,
fiddling with little kids is not very God like I wouldn't think, feeding the poor instead of teaching them to look after themselves, not very God like, its just makes them rely on handouts to live, the list is endless

The Islamic God is the same as the Christian God, how can that be ??, one wants our destruction


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Who's to say your God is not a fake idol, the Devils greatest trick is to convince the people he doesn't exist
maybe God is really the Devil, it makes sense, the real God has lost he/she/its believers to the false Moses God, a.k.a. the Devil

the way the worlds is going I wouldn't be to surprised if that was the case, pedo's in the churches for starters,
fiddling with little kids is not very God like I wouldn't think, feeding the poor instead of teaching them to look after themselves, not very God like, its just makes them rely on handouts to live, the list is endless

The Islamic God is the same as the Christian God, how can that be ??, one wants our destruction

The devil is a liar, the tempter and full of deceit as God in the Bible warns us about and the devil or satan right there in the first book of the bible Genesis tempts Eve saying did God really say you will die if you eat this fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil? surely you will not die you will become like God and Eve ate the fruit and offered some to Adam who God had told not to eat the fruit but Adam listened and believed someone else than God and ate the fruit.

When God came for a walk with the in the cool of the evening in the garden of eden Adam and Eve hid themselves and tried to cover up their nakedness (they knew they did wrong and were hiding from God)
What did Adam do He blamed Eve and blamed God and the blame game continues.
Adam said, This woman you gave to me (blaming God for giving him Eve) She gave me the fruit and I ate of it (blaming Eve)...

Yes the Islamic God is from the Abrahamic Covenant as we all are but they are from the line of Ishmael (born to Hagar and Abrahams servant who bore his first child) and Christians and Jews are from the line of Isaac (born to Abraham's wife Sarah)

Pedro, I'm no learned bible scholar but looks like i'm the only one here who believes in God so sorry, my basic understanding is all I can offer.
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