WTF are these?

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HPS turncoat
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Weed on the pbs would be amazing šŸ¤© it would be cheaper then my dealer lol
Yep, thats why recreactional canna will be a long long way off!

it will bring the price crashing!

The reining goverment at the time what to be your dealer and keep $$ high

more money for their mates, and for them as canna company shareholders!

once its on the PBS,could you imagine the uptake!

Greed is bad!


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Aphiids are one of the few that actually fuck the plant. They can go nuts in 2 weeks, maybe wipe the leaves down with a sponge or something.

afghan bob

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Apparently, and i heard this straight from the source [harry butler], that our lovely placid , easy going, chilled
lady bugs, are one of the most ruthless killing machines out there
They are only insect on god's green that actually kills 4 pleasure
U got the picture of lady bug kicking back with durry in its mouth,beak, jaws or whatever the fuk they got, casually stabbing an aphid with its stabby front leg while smiling and watching insect tv


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pyrethrum spray its organic and works for loads of bugs its made from the pyrethrum daisy grow them in your garden and make your own pest spray or just buy it

Yep, either that or a lavender oil and vinegar or soap mix.

White oil is another popular one - make your own with canola oil and some dish soap.

Neem Oil is another one.

Some essential oils can be used too, if you're a hippy you may have these lying around.
There's plenty of natural alternatives, you can google what ratios to use.

Basically you to have an oil mixed in with some surfactant that lowers the surface tension. Not only does the surfactant give it some viscosity making it easier to spray, it also helps the oil enter the insect's spiracles to drown them.

Insects don't have lungs, they have spiracles all over their exoskeleton, little tubes that allow oxygen to get into their bodies. You may've noticed a spider in your pool can live under water for hours, the little hairs on their bodies trap air bubbles and they breathe in that air via their spiracles. Throw in a drop of soap, it breaks the surface tension, eliminating the air bubbles and and the spider drowns.
Similarly when you flush an insect down toilet or drain, it survives until the water mixes with grey water containing soaps, dishwashing liquid, etc.

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Can confirm these aphids are pests. Start clearish white tiny, change darker green as they grow then apparantly the next stage is wings and super infestations. Due to those fears and no access to the back of the grow I pulled both plants last night. The upper buds were all mature enough anyway with a few ambers. Probably only 1 week early.

These aphids seemed to congregate together on the bigger (fan wind protected) shade leaves on the fruity smelling Big bud. They didnt like the dank Amnesia, which smells šŸ˜‹ so they're choosy little pricks.

I was beginning to see their honey dew waste on some leaves, which was attracting the local ants which apparantly farm and even protect the aphids. Can grow black mould too? All up on basic wet/pre trim there was a dozen dead ants stuck to sugar leaves. Trimmed a little more sugar leaf off than normal to be sure but got away with it this time...

afghan bob

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Yeah seen a few over yrs but totally diff colours and sizes so thats why wasn't 2 sure
And they seem all 2 like canna

afghan bob

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Not surprising there Pikey one, canna is only plant seen them on

Apparently they can give u a nip if pissed off

Crazy looking bug


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I use a peppermint and soap mix in flower with great effect and Neem oil when in veg. A warning with homemade white oil, if not cleaned off properly after spaying it can dry sticky and attract mold.
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