What's the weather like?


Forum Pisshead
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Getting smashed by the wind a big storm front just hit, power keeps going out I can see me shed roof getting sucked up, nasty.

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Forum Pisshead
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Fuck me that was intense, yeah mate shit like that snaps the cunts clean in half


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Fuck must of been bad down Mexico way yesterday. Heard 2 people killed by falling trees and branches.


Forum Pisshead
User ID
Yeah mate, a 5 yo boy died in hospital this morning so now it’s 3 deaths from falling trees.


Forum Pisshead
User ID
I was waiting for me shed roof to get ripped off, luckily only fucked up my shed doors looks like it snapped the hinges on one side. My shed is really old over 100 years so I’m not really surprised.

Heaps of big trees down on way in this morning, nothing compared to that American hurricane over 240km winds fuck that.


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Yeah mate, a 5 yo boy died in hospital this morning so now it’s 3 deaths from falling trees.
Ahh that’s fucked poor little thing.
Yeah the yanks cop it hard in tornado season. Makes me wonder why the fuck they would live in those areas.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
User ID
I was waiting for me shed roof to get ripped off, luckily only fucked up my shed doors looks like it snapped the hinges on one side. My shed is really old over 100 years so I’m not really surprised.

Heaps of big trees down on way in this morning, nothing compared to that American hurricane over 240km winds fuck that.
Been waiting for me sunroom roof to get blown off for years, its got me fucked how it stays on sometimes lol
big shed got blown apart next door a few years ago, was sheets of corrugated iron flying everywhere

Power went out a few times last night hey


User ID
Cloudy this morning but fine atm bit of wind picking up.
I'm being hassled by the local birds to feed them.
These two birds the Currawong and Magpie both come inside if I forget to close the door and they take no notice of poor old Lucy cat.


Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
User ID
Absolutely beautiful day here today. Should hit 26c
Ya got some "man made Global warming" at last piggy, good for you
its sunny here and a lovely 13 c, heading for a magnificent 17 c and rain later on, no "man made Global warming" here yet unfortunately, but reckon it might get here for Summer ?


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Cloudy this morning but fine atm bit of wind picking up.
I'm being hassled by the local birds to feed them.
These two birds the Currawong and Magpie both come inside if I forget to close the door and they take no notice of poor old Lucy cat.

View attachment 4598View attachment 4599
Sugar you shouldn’t feed magpies mushy wet food it gets stuck in crevices in their beaks and rots them. That looks like porridge or wheat bix.
Dry cat or dog food is best for them.
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