What plant is this?

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I recall listening to JJJ's morning show, many callers rang in saying they smoke some Aussie plant to get high on DMT... and they warned, you have much less than a cone and you still go tripping balls.

The DJ refused to allow any of them to mention which plant it was as it was very readily available and the station didn't want the responsibility of mentioning the plant and have Aussies go rushing out into their gardens, etc. to get off chops. I suspect they were talking about an acacia/wattle variety.



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Fuck you cunts must of been hard up for actual weed and other drugs when yous were young!! 🤣🤣
We used piss ourselves when cunts came to school and told us they were trying to smoke bananas and other weird shit. 🤣
Mate you got no idea. Everyone's stolen a bit of hose in their youth to make a bong out of but my friends were so fucking povo that we'd sometimes have to go looking in the streets for bottles or cans people had thrown away because none of us could afford a fucking <$1 drink. Pretty sure we're all getting alzheimers too due to constantly making cone pieces out of aluminum foil which is again due to none of us being able to afford a cone piece. It seriously took until I started working at maccas at 15 and got decent hours before we had the pleasure of using a bronze cone piece and then I took pity on everyone and bought them one of their own. I was the only one to have a real bong for well over a year (second got his as a bday gift from me too) because instead of actually getting a job all they wanted to do was scrounge up enough money to go buy a gram between 5+ of them, mix it to death with tobacco to make it go around and call it a day. Sadly last I checked most of them were still acting way. Donkey's years ago I even offered some of them old grow gear, access to all the cuts I had, etc. and they all refused for one reason or another. Even saw one with a post on facebook smoking out of a fuckin gatorade bottle in what looked like a shanty town tier dilapitated shed like he was having the time of his life and the cunts in his mid 30s now.

It's unfortunate but some people surpass all the lazy stoner stereotypes from the earliest of ages and seemingly choose to live the shittiest of lives thereafter.

afghan bob

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Slightly off topic but how many of u fine upstanding stoners remember sucking on garden hose offcuts 2 stick down some poor buggers fuel tank 2 syphon petrol cause we couldnt afford gas and pissing ureselves laughing when ure mate started heaving when he got a mouthful of super
Couldn't get the taste out 4 ages


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Funny you mention that, bob. it happened pretty well like that but more often than not we'd be half pissed doing it, which upped the comical value. No matter how much grog you sank afterwards, it wouldn't seem to dilute it like you said. 🤢

I reckon the old "Super" had bit more burn to it over the "Standard" too. 😄


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how many of you fine upstanding stoners remember sucking on garden hose offcuts 2 stick down some poor bugger's fuel tank to siphon petrol

This was actually a common practice in the 70's during the Aus. fuel crisis.

Does anyone remember petrol strikes?
They had 'odds & evens' days where you couldn't fill up on an odd day if your number plate ended in an even number and vice versa and there were still queues around the block to buy petrol.

Locking petrol caps very quickly became a thing and I've even heard of at least one person drilling a hole in the bottom of a tank to scavenge petrol - sheesh!
Desperate times!

Did my mates siphon petrol? Yep!
I was too young to drive at the time and worked to buy my car and all costs related to it. Petrol prices were in the 30's - cents/litre.

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Kee Mao

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The things we do. Anyone tried nutmeg in high doses?
I looked after a young guy in a psych unit that managed to ingest a shit load. Tripping balls,won two days in the hole for everyones safety. Had to look up the eurowid website to find any info. Credit to the little cunt,it must have been horrible to eat that much.


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spinach is a much better fit than my comment.. lol. bitta that mongy weed in her?

afghan bob

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Not sure what 2 do with it [yeah,yeah i know the obvious]
Normally would top, but there aint none
Maybe pull thoser leaves apart and see whos home

afghan bob

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I'll keep it alive and see what happens
Actually i'm somewhat bemused that no one seems 2 know what's going on
Then again it is friday night
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