Smart Meters, Are my growing days with lights over ?

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Porky, Of course i have my own opinion on what Smart Meters can and can`t do, just like you, and everybody else here. And it was those opinions i was seeking. And at no point in time did i say your opinions were wrong ! A couple of you said that Smart Meters could NOT monitor individual appliances, then Hudo and Pikey tell us that THEY can remotely turn your hot water and air/con up or down. So Porky, when someone like me comes along and challenges your limited knowledge on the subject you go into meltdown, Hence the DC remark. ...................Possum.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Porky, Of course i have my own opinion on what Smart Meters can and can`t do, just like you, and everybody else here. And it was those opinions i was seeking. And at no point in time did i say your opinions were wrong ! A couple of you said that Smart Meters could NOT monitor individual appliances, then Hudo and Pikey tell us that THEY can remotely turn your hot water and air/con up or down. So Porky, when someone like me comes along and challenges your limited knowledge on the subject you go into meltdown, Hence the DC remark. ...................Possum.
My limited knowledge you say. I have a smart meter on my house and have been growing for 3 years with it!
I even looked into how to read the 6 different screens it's shows and how they are shown on my electricity bill!
I have first hand experience you have an idiot friend who has filled your gullible head with rubbish!
Like I said your a dumb cunt!! 😎


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Porky, Of course i have my own opinion on what Smart Meters can and can`t do, just like you, and everybody else here. And it was those opinions i was seeking. And at no point in time did i say your opinions were wrong ! A couple of you said that Smart Meters could NOT monitor individual appliances, then Hudo and Pikey tell us that THEY can remotely turn your hot water and air/con up or down. So Porky, when someone like me comes along and challenges your limited knowledge on the subject you go into meltdown, Hence the DC remark. ...................Possum.
The smart meter can’t turn anything up or down. It’s a separate device installed on the air conditioner/hot mater system or circuit that’s controls the devices.

Fuck your a cooker dumb cunt

afghan bob

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Possum the marsupial one, gotta have a thick skin not only on here but in every day life mate
It started off with ppl trying to give u some help with what they thought on the subject and then u sorta side stepped and questioned their validity
U can’t expect not to react when initial offers of help were met with some disdain
Members here will usually pick apart the subject of discussion not the op, but u sorta brung it on yourself buddy


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Fact: Smart Meters have been around for years now. Evidence, I've been using one for >4yrs.

Theory: If Smart Meters were a threat to indoor gardeners, many people who grow indoors would have been caught in this manner by now.

Test: Has any one, of the many 100's of TSE growers here, been caught growing indoors due to their Smart Meter?

Results: I'm only hearing crickets, but I will change this statement if anyone provides verifiable evidence to the contrary...



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Yeah, totally agree. When I worked in a side industry, I’d have thought close to or more than 10 years in NSW?
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