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HGO Haze immediately perked up within an hour of transplant. Usually I'll get a lul until the next day if watered in well.
Mix is screened yard soil, compost and perlite 60/20/20 with some gypsum and palagonite but still looks plenty hot for the sativa.


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I love me some thin leaf variety as well...something about the profile just gives me vibes of a simpler time as I spent a lot of my youth down in Uki. Me mums mate used to grow a lot of sativa down there and i remember playing with the leaves as a six or seven year old completely oblivious. Was told they were young bamboo trees and had no reason to question it at the time.

Going back down as a 15 year old was a completely different experience to say the least.
Love the narrow leaves. All the plants I grew as a youngster were sativa and none I grow recently have this look. Beautiful.
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