Itā€™s a mad,mad world,,,,,,,,,,,specially them Mericans.

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"Millionaire Makes $20m in 2022 Millionaire: Hires "artist" to make "art" for $25k Artist Puts one streak on canvas, Millionaire Thanks artist and has art appraised by an appraiser in his same circle of friends Appraiser: Values artwork at $20m Millionaire Donates $20m artwork to museum to get $20m tax write off Millionaire: Pays no taxes in 2022 Me at museum: This is stupid, it's just a line on a canvas Hipster next to me: No, you just don't understand it because you're uncultured. millionaire can also register the walls in his home as an ā€œart galleryā€ Donate the newly appraised ā€œartā€ to his walls & write off the total amount

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