Humidifier dehumidifier


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I've purchased these before, and they seemed to be of reasonable quality compared to other tent fans out there. I've had them for two grows and only just now one wants to pop out of the oscillating function. But $55 for two fans, it is something I can live with.

I fucked around with the fan with the dodgy oscillating function yesterday, and got it to lock in 'n operate properly again. Only needed to turn the fan upside down on the pole, and it hasn't missed a beat in the last 24 hours.

Might be worth a shot with other tent fans.

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I had quite a few where the oscillator function fail through operating them upside down especially the cheaper pedestal fans. And if ever I perform autopsies I more often than not find the gear box completely dry or all the grease has been flung to one side and no longer lubricating the gears.

Sometimes I think one can extend the life of cheap products by checking these things although I would imagine it would void any warranty.


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Yeah, that is one item of theirs that I was skeptical about. I intially intended on purchasing 2 of them, but because of the price and backorder issue I moved onto another brand.

I've purchased these before, and they seemed to be of reasonable quality compared to other tent fans out there. I've had them for two grows and only just now one wants to pop out of the oscillating function. But $55 for two fans, it is something I can live with.
I have 2 of them and still working
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