How long have you been smoking / Vaping / edibles ?


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40 years. I remember the Thai budda was my first smoke and i sucked down a whole joint before it actually hit me.. Spent the next few hours passing out constantly and praying to god i would live lol

My lungs are cactus from all the tabaco and cannabis so i bought a $300 vape and it sux so im still on the bong.
I got an attachment that hooks up my vape to a bong. Great hits.

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1973 ,got a $5 deal of Queensland heads,

Bought a vape about five years ago, I don’t use it very often though. Prefer my joints.

Not into edibles,

One Drop

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Just on 50 years now smoked my first spliff with mum n dad on our commune at Nimbin when I was 11 can’t stand smoking anything but my vape now … every day without delay I tried a puff on wifeys joint a few months back tasted burnt and horrible, can’t do eating or the oil doesn’t agree with the stomach it is a good topic to touch on we all walk a different paths on the same journey .


HPS turncoat
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30 yrs of everyday bongs,joints and/or pipes...

my lungs have never been better! no joke!

edibles when i have a nothing to do for the whole day lol

tried the dry herb vapes, didnt like it to much, always went back to combustion...


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Been a smoker for around 20 years. Habitual Gatorade user here since day one so my lungs are probably shriveled up bags of Vegemite by now.

Smoke about a gram a day unless I'm out and about where I'll go through a bit more with the dry herb vape. I make sure to throw half a death stick in every gram so I don't smoke ciggies. The second I go green I pussy out and start smoking ciggies again.

I remember some serious animosity breaking out over ones choice of bottle back in the day. Pull out an ice break or orchy in a Gatorade circle, mate, may as well pull your dick out an piss blood on everyone based on the reactions.


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Started smoking in late highschool around the turn of the milennium. At that time I already rocked the oversized white shirt, denim bombers, visor/frosted tips and listened to the Deftones so I figured I may as well put the icing on the cake of 90s degeneracy at the time and become "fully sick" by smoking weed and working at McDonald's.

Tbh If I had another chance at life I'd still smoke in my late teens. I would have put more effort into not having frosted blonde tips and being a douchebag instead.


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Mine is a bit strange Started in late High School on and off in early 90 s girlfriend was really into it so I did too, after school I worked in hospitality for 20 years Island and resorts drank and smoked a fair bit for me Norfolk Island was the best for me made friends with some of the locals we used to sit on the beach and smoke weed watching the sunset it was awesome after I left didn't smoke much un now after getting sick don't smoke but I use infused coconut oil found it worked for me and have started to grow my own because of certain reasons most of you are in the same boat , my first few plants are nearly ready will make oil and try dry herb vape and try a few joints and some cooking to see what works for me.

Harry bootlace

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My parents smoked but I didn’t really clue on until my teens. I did wonder why my mother only smoked every so often. My dad was a ciggy smoker so it seemed normal for him.
I used to hide under the table while they played cards with friends and got stoned.

In the school holidays between primary and high school I has my first personal encounter (38 years ago). A friend had nicked some off his mum and we went into a pine forest next to the school and had a pipe. I think it was all out first time. I don’t remember but I doubt I inhaled it ( thanks Clinton). We did silly things and went home. I remember being really quite scared. I guess at that age I thought it might be dangerous or “bad” for whatever reason.
We were reading freak bros comics and that was about all we knew about drugs haha.

I drifted away from those friends in high school and forgot about it. But was getting my into reggae music and so by year ten I was really wanting to get into it. I asked one of those old friends and he gave me some seeds and lent me a book about growing weed ( would love to find a copy. Half the info was wrong I now realise. More on that later).

I sprouted some seeds and asked a friend to help me carry the seedlings up the hill I lived on and planted them in the Bush.

I didn’t visit the plot for ages, probably scared. Anyway when I did go back only one survived and it was a 6 foot Xmas tree. Absolutely perfect looking sativa.

After that I went whenever I could to bask in its glory.
One day I noticed a bunch of leaves had been plucked off ( yes people smoked leaf back then ). I freaked out, went home, got a shovel and went back and dug it up.
I carried this plant by myself through the bush and found a new spot and dug a new hole for it.
It lived!
Actually it thrived. Until ….. we had a storm and a huge branch broke off a tree and crushed her.
But, bottom third was ok. I cut the broken main stem and took the top 2/3rds joke to smoke ( remember we smoked leaf back then ;).
Bottom third took off and then flowered.
I checked once a week and the buds were getting big and smelly.
But one day I went back and it was gone.
The empty feeling in your guts when you get ripped off.
Someone I sort of knew, older surfer guy, all of a sudden had a lot of buds and he lived in the same hill. No proof but I reckon was him. Anyway.
My dad built me a greenhouse so I could grow at home and they were hidden.
Remember one day the mosey neighbour came over and gave my mum a leaf. She had climbed the fence and gone I’m greenhouse and got evidence. My mother played dumb and said she would talk to me.
Nothing came of it. But those plants also got ripped off.

My father had a pit in the garage for working on his cars, but he never used it so I put a grow tube ( all there was then) in the fluorescent light fitting, put a plant in it. It had a cover and I put an old car that didn’t drive over also
So it was in a garage under a car and a cover. Lights on 24/7.
Plant struggled but did grow. Eventually I took it out and it went to flower straight away of course. My first harvest !

Reggaes influence made me not drink alcohol for a long time as a teenager. I had drunk but stopped even though all my friends did each weekend as teenagers tend to do ). I was dedicated to dope. One day I decided to try some tequila and filled a glass with it straight and downed it. I remember feeling so good. Alive.
So I started drinking again and ended up becoming an alcoholic. Gave up weed for decades. Drunk away my job, marriage, home, have ruined my pancreas and various other health issues as a result of grog.

Al now 10+ years sober and back smoking weed. Much better.

The book looked self published. Yellow cover. Simple line drawings and instructions how to grow cannabis.
No mention Indica at all. We had never heard of it and neither had the author.
It also explained how to graft with hopps to get a vine that wouldn’t get noticed. Myth of course.
Would love to find a copy for nostalgia.


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The book looked self published. Yellow cover. Simple line drawings and instructions how to grow cannabis.
No mention Indica at all. We had never heard of it and neither had the author.
It also explained how to graft with hopps to get a vine that wouldn’t get noticed. Myth of course.
Would love to find a copy for nostalgia.
Wow, I should try and dig up a book I had around 1978...ish how to grow weed. It was a cheapo news print book. I found it amongst some books I had in the garage about 1 year ago. Hope I can still find it. One wierd thing I recall it said to put all ya bud in dry ice and put it under an infra red lamp to increase potentcy ..... no I never tried it :ROFLMAO: and never heard of that anywhere since. Remember it was the 70's so it would be interesting to re-read method of back then.


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Wasn't there one with a thick green paperback cover? Around the mid to late 70's

Harry bootlace

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Wow, I should try and dig up a book I had around 1978...ish how to grow weed. It was a cheapo news print book. I found it amongst some books I had in the garage about 1 year ago. Hope I can still find it. One wierd thing I recall it said to put all ya bud in dry ice and put it under an infra red lamp to increase potentcy ..... no I never tried it :ROFLMAO: and never heard of that anywhere since. Remember it was the 70's so it would be interesting to re-read method of back then.
Wasn't there one with a thick green paperback cover? Around the mid to late 70's

My memory is bad. But I’d know it if I saw it.
From memory yellow cover but may have been green.
And yeah very cheap quality paper.

Harry bootlace

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Hmmmm maybe that’s the one. Not my memory of the cover but the author name is familiar.
If it has the part about grafting to hopps then I’ll say it is.


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Hmmmm maybe that’s the one. Not my memory of the cover but the author name is familiar.
If it has the part about grafting to hopps then I’ll say it is.
Nothing about grafting to hopps.
This was Book 2, maybe it was in the previous book.

Kee Mao

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41 years a choofer . I had that book,paid a fucking fortune for it. Bought it and a HPS from one of Melbournes first hydro shops in Collingwood around 91. Paid a fortune for the light too. Scorrier was the medium cos I didn’t know better. Trying to grow old school satties,6 nodes and the fucking things hit the roof. Put me off indoors for quite a bit😂
addit: I reckon it was excel hydroponics
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I think the strength confusion comes into it a lot with bundling sativa and indica in the same "pot"
I've been smoking since 77 with a big recent break. I actually prefer the old school sativa strains that took the edge off but left me functioning. Late 80's started the hydro and it destroyed my wake and bake world. Nothing like riding a bus and getting paranoid about looking normal while you levitate. Also hated the fuzzy brain hangover.

Always preferred the social aspects of sharing joints but more recently I've added a bong and vape to my repertoire and back to the sativa, my happy place.
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