Foxtailing and finishing


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Ahh rightio, itchy. I never found out reason why i had it a couple of times either, apart from noticing it usually happened in the last couple of weeks of flowering. I was just throwing a bit of dodgy thinking towards what you mentioned earlier. 😄

BTW, congrats on the LED, pretty good commercial grade light from what i've read. 👍
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The Dwarf Hermie King
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hey indy

my first indoor for some time recently , using a led along with 2 hid's either side , ( led is a 680w Fluence Spydrx Plus running @ 80% power )

with many saying move your led close to the canopy i found that to be untrue in the currant setup i have ( keeping in mind the intensity of the added 2 hid's )

admittedly i could have moved the lights a little further apart from each other which would have given me more / better coverage , the way they were gave me a bit more intensity , as it turned out i def didn't need

i was also using blumat which i thought was the problem why the plants looked droopy , i figured my setting up of them was causing over watering , the plants were lush & green & the droopyness didn't quite look like over watering but they were drooping the soil was moist so i went with blumat setup error being the problem

anyways after messing round with them for a few days & still not working it out i decided to start looking elsewhere to find the source of the droop

first move was to lift the lights to get them out of the way while i possibly pulled things apart for a reset . 30min later after lifting the lights plants were praying , well get fucked !

luckily i hadn't started pulling the blumat system apart by the time i noticed the plants looking healthy

so every time we say to ourselves " that humidity will be fine " or " that exhaust will be enough " , know that your choices have an effect , in one way or another , big or small , everything has a direct or flow on effect like maybe foxtailing & too much light , not guaranteeing it's light intensity that is the cause of foxtailing , i'm saying it's a possible cause
could be a combination of things not just light
Got some pics mate ide love to have a look at ya setup??


Sultan Of Soil
User ID
Ok first indoor run for a while & first indoor run with blumats
12 plants , 3 lights , 2 mh & 1 fluence
this is the setup , would rather the carpet not be there but oh well there ya go

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this is a 50lt tub used as a blumat rez sitting on top of a 1800mm high cheap bunnings shelving , you can see 2 water outlets with 2 taps so each line can be turned off for maintenance/repair if need be , there's another reason for 2
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with a single line if there were to be a blockage at a sensor or carrot , it could potentially block all carrots in the chain after the blockage , making a loop solves that by letting water still make it to the next sensor after the blockage , if you get a blockage in both side , oh well ya did ya best but tough titties lol

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at the end of the loop another tap to purge any air in the system , blumats do not like air in the lines or in the carrot so handy little tap ( tap is for the lines only , water in the carrots without air bubbles is sorted by you when setting the system up )

transplant water in & blumate setup day = mistake no 1
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if using blumats let any hand watering you give the pot settle for a day or 2 , it'll be diff for different soils used but let the pot fully drain , remember you don't want to keep the pot that wet , it will be fine to let the soil dry a bit b4 installing the carrots , i say this cause i didn't do this & have felt i've done a bit of tail chasing the majority of the grow

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plants a few days later & they look happier to be able to stretch there legs & be out of the tiny starting pots , the other setup advice would be , when you install the blumats with the brown knob on the sensor completely off = no water going to coming out of this little carrot
let the sensor acclimate to the soil for 2 or 3 hours b4 dialing them in , should make it easier to get them dialed right the first time , you still might have to adjust by increasing or decreasing that brown knob on the top of the sensor for more or less frequent watering

the other thing i would possibly do different would be to run the 8mm larger line on the ground & buy more of the small 3mm line & run that up to each sensor , it would let you move the pot around a little easier otherwise the way i have it is fixed , well there's a little movement there but not much
keep in mind blumats once installed can freak out if they get knocked about so do thing gently

cover crop coming in , i didn't plant it earlier cause i wanted easier access to the sensors

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you can see here the plants not to happy , no leaves pointing up & some with a curl at the top that looks like over watering , for the record , it was slight over watering but the light intensity was also messing with the plants happiness :)

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yes top is dry because of no cover / mulch , but just under the surface she's well moist

i had to give the avocado tech ago for cardrona if he's still sound , not sure how long it was in the pot b4 you could see white fur . the stuff on the soil surface about the avo is from adding compost worms

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doing ok but there has been a cultivar change not something you want to bloody do but males are males & need to go

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4 males were removed & replaced with girls , my mistake , what i thought were fems turned out to be regulars , well that fucks the little bit of canopy management i thought i was doing
i say a little cause they are all mostly different strains , this prob shows the new transplants better

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from close to the cam , the second row both replacments , the third row the one on the left is a replacement & same with the fifth row the left one was replaced

another avo added to the new comers top soil , the white hyphae traveling to the stem

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i feel like i'm back on track now but notice the leaf edges curling on some leaves

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& on this plant as well

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this was caused by the cool dry air of the split system that was just above these plants , stuck a bit of card at the bottom of the air outlet , forcing all the air to blow outward & not directly down through gaps at the bottom of the flap that opens when you turn the split system on

this pic was the 4/12 , the first pic of transplant day was 01/11 a month basically , what you can't see is the slight lighter leaf color change

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this will let you see the color change & what's that stuff on your leaves man ? that would be vermiculite the media used for predator bugs , this is what you'll see if you ever had to release them in veg , the plant that had spider mite was removed & not replaced , she is now outdoor & seems to be doing well

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there was more than one application of predators

looking ok in this pic , color change not as prominent as the others

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Resident Celebrity
User ID
That looks awesome, Itchy. Really well organised and well spaced.

Plus I really like the bar fridge, don't have to walk far while tending to everything.


Sultan Of Soil
User ID
as the business end of proceedings begins over watering shows on some plants more than others , yellowing clawed leaf


flower has started



some pretty colors


full flight , color change is worsening , constantly trying to adjust blumats especially in flower when they generally need less water than in veg


some plants can take it or i've managed to dial them in a bit better than the rest



not getting out of this over watering yellowing easy , even burnt tips but only water in the blumat rez , hopefully they make it to the end of flower

that it at the moment

sorry again nici


Sultan Of Soil
User ID
yeah i do have the blumat meter carb & would suggest to anyone it's a handy tool even if you don't have a blumat drip system , you can also look at a Irrometer as basically the same thing
& comes in different lengths , used by agronomists

i've been running with the numbers mentioned on kis organics podcast
for those unfamiliar with the meter numbers , the higher the number the dryer the soil , lower the number wetting the soil

kis suggested between 100 to 120 mbar in veg & between 120 to 150 mbar in flower , seems to be pretty well right i reckon , all cultivars are diff so some might not fit into the above mentioned numbers but i think for most plants that'll be fine


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
as the business end of proceedings begins over watering shows on some plants more than others , yellowing clawed leaf

View attachment 10639

flower has started

View attachment 10640

View attachment 10641

some pretty colors

View attachment 10642

full flight , color change is worsening , constantly trying to adjust blumats especially in flower when they generally need less water than in veg

View attachment 10643

some plants can take it or i've managed to dial them in a bit better than the rest

View attachment 10644

View attachment 10645

not getting out of this over watering yellowing easy , even burnt tips but only water in the blumat rez , hopefully they make it to the end of flower

View attachment 10646
that it at the moment

sorry again nici
Bloody awesome setup mate. Love the soil inside. 😉
Plants look very healthy as always mate.
What strains ya got going mate??


Sultan Of Soil
User ID
thanks very much guys
i know i know I'm hopeless . i'll try to get my act together , put some thought into it & put something up

yeah bill have done a few indoor runs , don't prefer one over the other , both have there challenges , although a reasonably sealed or filtered room with solid environmental control would be fun as would a greenhouse with similar control & light depping capabilities , once my luck & lotto align i'll av 2 of em :D

green crack , gelato og , incredible bulk , cereal milk , rainmaker , jack herer , critical kush , peyote critical & skywalker og kush


User ID
thanks very much guys
i know i know I'm hopeless . i'll try to get my act together , put some thought into it & put something up

yeah bill have done a few indoor runs , don't prefer one over the other , both have there challenges , although a reasonably sealed or filtered room with solid environmental control would be fun as would a greenhouse with similar control & light depping capabilities , once my luck & lotto align i'll av 2 of em :D

green crack , gelato og , incredible bulk , cereal milk , rainmaker , jack herer , critical kush , peyote critical & skywalker og kush
yeh lovely room itchy, kinda expected you to build a raised garden bed in there. How come you didn't? Just not practical if you have to tear down room etc?

Yeh start ya own thread took me a while to find these pics lol

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
Community Member
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Good stuff itchi - awesome grow. Looking forward to seeing the flowers in full bloom. Your diary is welcome with anticipation. 💯. That carpet floor would make me nervous in a grow area. Cheap clear plastic paint sheets would protect it from accidental spills. 👍


User ID
Sounds a good idea, mate, but lay some plastic on a carpeted area and walk around on it for a bit 'n see what a pita it can be. Sure, it'll help with spillages. But once itchy gets the blumats dialled in to each plants requirements that should minimise most of the potential problems.

But yeah, bit of a bummer about the carpet all the same. Lookin' forward to seeing the results of this run, itchy. 😎


Sultan Of Soil
User ID
thanks again all

yeah Frank love to have a raised bed but i'll be moving house in the near future
but once at the new place that will be the plan , don't know where or what the next
place will be but that's the plan anyway

yeah fox indy sounds like he's been there done that like i have , hazards to avoid in a grow room , plastic on the floor over carpet , perfect for tripping you up while moving round , it'll never sit flat , the moment you walk on it , it's fucked , mix that with hard to see bamboo stakes , wanna take ya eye out , plastic on the floor & bamboo stakes sitting just under or over the canopy , hard to see the tops of those fuckers , tip if you do use stakes like the bamboo , stick some tape or something over the end of the stake cos it's easy not see it as you reach done to pick up something , i head butted one , right in the middle of my forehead , hard too , never used them again

as far as spillage go's , the only possibility of that is filling the blumat rez which i currently do by hand but i really like Joshua Steensland Youtube guy setup where his split system feeds the rez with condensation or what the water is from a split system
however foliar spraying is another issue , only for veg but still an issue none the less , be better if the carpet wasn't there for sure
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