Businessman, 51, who legally smoked marijuana in Las Vegas before flying to Dubai is arrested

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User ID
Yeah well let's talk something intellectual. All I hear coming out of your mouth is racism.

And correct me if i'm wrong. 99% Of people who are racist are low IQ.

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Smart people don't need to resort to violence. 😏

Say's the same man who quote: "I would flog the living shit out of you" Or something along those lines many posts ago. Aren't you a cop who smokes meth as well.

You sir are the dumbest copper i've ever met lol


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Yeah well let's talk something intellectual. All I hear coming out of your mouth is racism.

And correct me if i'm wrong. 99% Of people who are racist are low IQ.
IQ testing hasn't been round in this country for over 40 years and is widely considered by experts to be a very flawed measure of intelligence.
So unless ya paid for one or did a shitty online your talking out your arseas usual.


User ID
Thank christ you will never rise to the top most ranks of the police force.

Your a dull boy aren't ya porky...


User ID
IQ testing hasn't been round in this country for over 40 years and is widely considered by experts to be a very flawed measure of intelligence.
So unless ya paid for one or did a shitty online your talking out your arseas usual.
Sure that in theory is rather true. But that applies to those people with high tests on the IQ score.

The IQ test is still considered the most preferred method to test for ones intelligence.

It was a psychiatrist who done an IQ test on me.


User ID
and seriously just saying it how it is. I'm not a colleague of yours so i'm non partial in my ability to say things as they are. I think your a fucking idiot/goose and your an embarrassment to ethical police everywhere. ;)


User ID
What does DC stand for anyway Detective Cunstable. Or Dumb Cunt.

Either terminology is applicable in this scenario.'

Fortunately you have BennO and Pedro backing your arguments because without their intelligence you wouldn't have a leg too stand on.

Anyway, i'm just stooping to your level of stupidity right now engaging in conversation with a racist pig dickhead like yourself.

There are plenty of successful people who are drug addicts. What you don't realize because alas your a dumb pig is that addiction is a disease. It's not a choice or a weakness of psychological will power it's a disease. No different to cancer.

Another thing too. Intelligence is a not a ticket to success or wealth. And wealth is not a measurement of success and shouldn't be in any instance.


Community Member
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Talking to yourself now but if thats what you want to do to get the story straight thats fine


User ID
Should ban all religion, make God do the hard yards door knocking for believers
Ban all religion ...its held back mankind for over 1000 years...
even the Pharoah's had a simple form of electricity

understand your Hippocampus and you never say that G** word again

maker it illegal forcing it underground just like sodemy with sodomites er ...gays


User ID
I smoked weed in an Islamic country many times. Got it off a Saudi.

I don't think my IQ is high.


afghan bob

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I too have partaken many a ganja hookah with infidels of middle east

Before inhaling on pipe these Taliban insurgents smelt like camel armpits and were very shifty

But after, we raised our hands 2 Allah and his prophet Mahammoud and fired our A-K's in2 each other

A very holey experience


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
I too have partaken many a ganja hookah with infidels of middle east

Before inhaling on pipe these Taliban insurgents smelt like camel armpits and were very shifty

But after, we raised our hands 2 Allah and his prophet Mahammoud and fired our A-K's in2 each other

A very holey experience
The pic you posted a while back looked like you had orange arm hairs, not something I would usually associate with dark haired Arabs. Im thinking your a whitey like the rest of us infidels.😂
Whatever ya are you crack me up fucking hard. 🤣🤣🤣
Fucking love your posts mate!!!


HPS turncoat
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I had trouble reading Bob's post when he got the 't' on his keyboard fixed, so use to it being a '+' 🤣🤣

afghan bob

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That was a lifetime ago, Dotts ol mate

Back when i was trying oil 4 first time. So i even didn't know W.T.F i was on about

Orange arm hairs passed on down 2 me from grandad "ginge"........[ means toe of camel ] in afghan
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