A belated introduction🧐

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Hello to all the ladies and gents who inhabit the world of TSE. I am known as Old Ant but you can call me Ant if you wish. I am very happy to be here and have marvelled at many of the amazing diaries I have seen so far👍🏼.

I will say I have zero experience in growing anything apart from eight beautiful ladies, while enjoying smoking green since my youth ( stone age ) I have now recently discovered an untapped love for growing this wonderful herb more than just getting off my trolley.

Anyway I will help where and when I can and look forward to finding a comfy spot here, hopefully for the long term😃

Last but not least I will be starting a diary as soon as my upgrades are finished which should hopefully be next week🥳🧐
Welcome Ant
Looking forward to seeing your buds

Harry bootlace

Community Member
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A good evening to you sir and yes I am indeed looking forward to purchasing my first monocle and distinguished walking cane👍🏼
Haha I have three walking sticks. No monocle as both my eyes need lenses.
Actually like you I’m not that old. 50 soonish.
Personally I like this age better than 30s-40s despite health issues that go with years of self inflicted physical abuse in my younger days.

Old Ant

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Welcome Ant from one young fella to another. You do have a way with words. Not like myself who says little and doesn't make much sense when I do. o_O Enjoy the journey
Hello Squire, my beautiful wife of twenty years is another who has always enjoyed my conversational skill's, unfortunately after a few sweet tokes that all goes by the way side and its waffle city here we come😆

Old Ant

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Haha I have three walking sticks. No monocle as both my eyes need lenses.
Actually like you I’m not that old. 50 soonish.
Personally I like this age better than 30s-40s despite health issues that go with years of self inflicted physical abuse in my younger days.
Indeed Harry, many of us spent a significant portion of our youth ‘ in the fast lane ‘ and I do lament some of the more idiotic and dangerous activities that I enjoyed. I am also currently enduring mild brain damage, a permanent lower back injury, a grinding and clicking left knee and to top it off ptsd🤷‍♂️ It sure was fun though, now pass me that e size cylinder of nitrous oxide and pack me a hearty bucket - that sadly gone 3 litre coke bottle size one so I can do some reminiscing🤣

Old Ant

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Welcome Ant
Looking forward to seeing your buds
Thank you OZIOZIAUTO, I really do feel welcome here and I must say I will be doing my darnedest to produce my best buds yet👍🏼🤞☘️ as it has been a little while I can almost smell that beautiful aroma when you open the tent in full flower🥰🤗

Old Ant

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Welcome to tse ant. ciggies are indeed tough to toss. I hope it works out for you.
Good morning MoFo, absolutely right you are about those horrible putrid smelling ciggies. I have been smoking for just over 30 years and can tell you that even though I didn't cough and splatter all over the place, I did / do have the problem of my lungs hardening up and loosing there balloon - sponge like ability on inhale and exhale which dare I say is a downright terrifying feeling😳 and an excellent motivator to permanently give up at the same time👍🏼🤔 Tis also the reason why I gave up the buckets, billys, pipes about three years ago and jumped on the vaping train by purchasing my first S&B mighty🤗
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