Best Way To Beat Roadside MDT?

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If you brush your teeth and use proper oral hygiene after smoking then you should never get caught. THC does not pass from your blood to your saliva so they are only testing for people that have smoked recently. It can stay in your mouth for longer if you do not clean your mouth properly.


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
If you brush your teeth and use proper oral hygiene after smoking then you should never get caught. THC does not pass from your blood to your saliva so they are only testing for people that have smoked recently. It can stay in your mouth for longer if you do not clean your mouth properly.
So this is your response after ya stupid comment??
Fuck me!! 🤪


User ID
So this is your response after ya stupid comment??
Fuck me!! 🤪
I can't be bothered trying to explain it to you mate.
I feel too stupid coming down to your level.

One last try.....
THC does not pass from blood to saliva.
Only present in mouth from smoking.😊😊😊😊😊

Have you heard of anybody that uses edibles failing a swab test?
No you have not....

I think this proves my point but my guess is you will want to split straws and prove what a hero you are anyway.

This forum is rapidly retreating into the rear-vision mirror.

It reminds me of being back in school.
Everybody trying to outdo everybody else and pissing competitions.

Grow up motherfucker!


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
I can't be bothered trying to explain it to you mate.
I feel too stupid coming down to your level.

One last try.....
THC does not pass from blood to saliva.
Only present in mouth from smoking.😊😊😊😊😊

Have you heard of anybody that uses edibles failing a swab test?
No you have not....

I think this proves my point but my guess is you will want to split straws and prove what a hero you are anyway.

This forum is rapidly retreating into the rear-vision mirror.

It reminds me of being back in school.
Everybody trying to outdo everybody else and pissing competitions.

Grow up motherfucker!
Well as a matter of fact and this "not up for debate" according to this article they can be detected upto 3 days later in a saliva test!!
So Mr I think I'm smarter than ever other cunt your wrong!
Call it splitting hairs or whatever ever fucking pretend clever garbage you can conjure up!!
Maybe you should think about growing up ya self deluded wanker!! 🤣



User ID
Well as a matter of fact and this "not up for debate" according to this article they can be detected upto 3 days later in a saliva test!!
So Mr I think I'm smarter than ever other cunt your wrong!!
Maybe you should think about growing up ya self deluded wanker!! 🤣

Edibles and a roadside test. Stick to the topic dimwit.

  • Saliva tests aren’t hugely effective for edibles, but it’s better to play it safe and assume it will be detectable for between 1 and 3 days.
Proper oral hygiene and brushing your tongue are the best advice along with a vinegar mouthwash. It's not debatable. THC does not cross from your blood to your saliva otherwise it would be present in your saliva for upto three months. I cannot put it any simpler for you.

Not hugely effective = not effective


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Read this dickhead



The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Read this dickhead

I'm banned from Grass city!! 🤣
Look you stupid cunt your wrong just take it like a fucking man!!
Edibles can be detected in a saliva test!!
That's the facts weather your fucking ego can accept it or not!!


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I don't need a woman to complete me Red.
Not half a man like you.

Not suprised your banned @Porky you have the personality of a cornered animal.
If you were not banned you would see that you are wrong.
You keep reading those stupid posts that pop up at the beginning to make you worry you subnormal idiot.


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
I don't need a woman to complete me Red.
Not half a man like you.

Not suprised your banned @Porky you have the personality of a cornered animal.
If you were not banned you would see that you are wrong.
You keep reading those stupid posts that pop up at the beginning to make you worry you subnormal idiot.
You are the most on ya self cunt I've seen since Pedro!! 🤣
You couldn't be more of a wanker if ya had 4 cocks!!


Staff member
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I must be dumb too, isn't saliva involved in taking an edible?... I mean I assume you put them in your mouth and eat them?

I took one of Pat's death caps a couple of nights back, admittedly i just swallowed it so the time for it to mix with saliva was minimal, but I could taste it in me burps for the next few hours until i passed out... lol


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I'm not being funny, but what does that link prove? :unsure:

Screenshot for those that can't open the link : (click to expand)
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