Businessman, 51, who legally smoked marijuana in Las Vegas before flying to Dubai is arrested

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This is rough. Poor fellow :(

Businessman, 51, who legally smoked marijuana in Las Vegas before flying to Dubai is arrested after doctors found traces of it in his system when he had to go to the hospital - and now he faces three years behind bars...​


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I lived in Dubai for 3 years everyone is bent(corrupt) ...its how they live....just last week a bunch of Russians and Ukrainian's were booted out for partying in the nude

The argument is ...he consumed this medicene in another jurisdiction ..weak IMO


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I've been messing with 2 jurisdictions my entire life, I know when to be careful to not stir one side up


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Till a few re group survive and rage terrorist attacks on the western world.
Yes. Thats what happens when people outcast others or make promises and weaponize a people and don't deliver. There are many reasons but I wont go on.


User ID
Not every islamic person is a terrorist.

Most islamic people aren't extremists.

Most Americans are stupid. Rather live in dubai then America Right now.✌️
Well said.
If I was forced to make a decision between America and Dubai I'd likely choose Dubai as well. The US is an absolute mess at the moment but change is slowly happening.


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Yeah, that's what we are all led to believe. The change is upon us, we are all going to change America for the better... They say.

Shit house welfare system, Rampant police corruption, Redneck's that put the Aussie bogan to shame. No thank you America.

Fuck America.


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Thanks BennO. You don't have to agree with me however. Sometimes i'm just trying to insinuate a debate. But I appreciate your support, even when i'm in the wrong...

Last night I had the nerve to muck around .. then admit I was joking.. then however I started getting a little too defensive. Which alas shouldn't be taken seriously, as again... I wasn't being serious. The last thing I wanna do is wound up getting fucked up the ass in prison or riddled with bullets bye a police force.

Don't get me wrong. America has a mighty impressive Air force and military power. Which we use to our advantage. I think Australia sits pretty comfortably knowing that we have an ally with such defense capabilities. But we are essentially a stronger political ally with the British and the European nations. Our culture however differs significantly.

We are so lucky too live in a country like Australia. We have probably the best trained Army in the world. It would be interesting too see if push came to shove whether America would back us with all their mite in a world war 3 situation.

Russia and yes China are a force to be reckoned with as well and pose a serious threat to our national security if push came to shove.

Interesting regardless. :D

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
User ID
Islam is the problem, as religion go's its a fucking disgrace

Its all there in history, you bloke/lady/trannies should have a read one day, or a youtube/gooooogle or whatever it is you do these days


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I'm a lesbian tranny, it's my kink.

Islam is only a problem as soon as those that are peaceful, become radicalized.

So rather then pissing off a hornets nest of a cunts... the logical solution would be too de radicalize or suppress the radicalization of islamic people.

Education is a good one. I wish when I was a youngster I was told more about the laws in today's society. How to make proper informed decisions.


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I like the SR8 Radical myself.
But would have any of them.

Never thought I would get radicalized but after messing about with production cars for the track, I can see the attraction.

Hard to pop down the shops in a radical though.


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Opium of the masses, let them have it, still useful but they need to move with the times.

I'm definetly not going to dictate what people want to believe in

There's something more out there. What it is or isn't who knows. I just know that I look out from these eyes and see other people looking out from their eyes so there is something special. Life.

I so need to put a disclaimer in my signature to interpret what I say carefully


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Well said.
If I was forced to make a decision between America and Dubai I'd likely choose Dubai as well. The US is an absolute mess at the moment but change is slowly happening.
Not every islamic person is a terrorist.

Most islamic people aren't extremists.

Most Americans are stupid. Rather live in dubai then America Right now.✌️
Fucking just more stupid uninformed shit talk. Rather live in Dubai than America. Well why don't you 2 fuck off over there then and see how long yous last trying to live a life like yous do over here. Hope yous have a wife with yous who won't be allowed to leave the house without you DCs. Good luck growing and smoking some weed as well.
Fuck Islam and Islamic people and their countries.
You 2 dumb cunts wouldn't last 3 days over there.
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