Freeze dried flowers


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Any updates from anyone on drying and curing in the freezer please does it work or not as I'm getting two different stories some say don't do it as it is not good but others say do it . I would be interested as I'm having a lot of trouble with bud rot because of humidity . Already lost entire harvest already this month. Cheers Purgs

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Any updates from anyone on drying and curing in the freezer please does it work or not as I'm getting two different stories some say don't do it as it is not good but others say do it . I would be interested as I'm having a lot of trouble with bud rot because of humidity . Already lost entire harvest already this month. Cheers Purgs

I’ve done it. Works fantastically.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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How does it work exactly ?
Pick wet buds off plant. Freeze dry immediately ( wrapped individually in a paper towel to collect broken trichomes). Place in "frost free" freezer. Smoke it about a month( or 6) after that. Commercial freezers are available specifically to dry/cure cannabis. It works if the home freezer is "frost free", and cold enough. If I had available space( which I dont) I would prefer to freeze all my flowers

Sun Ra

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Pick wet buds off plant. Freeze dry immediately ( wrapped individually in a paper towel to collect broken trichomes). Place in "frost free" freezer. Smoke it about a month( or 6) after that. Commercial freezers are available specifically to dry/cure cannabis. It works if the home freezer is "frost free", and cold enough. If I had available space( which I dont) I would prefer to freeze all my flowers
I have a frost free freezer. So only paper towels - you don't put them in a freezer bag after the wrapping in paper towels ? What is the deal with the "defrosting / drying process" after you take them out of the freezer ? They'd still need to dry properly after defrost I'd imagine ?

Old fox

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I have a frost free freezer. So only paper towels - you don't put them in a freezer bag after the wrapping in paper towels ? What is the deal with the "defrosting / drying process" after you take them out of the freezer ? They'd still need to dry properly after defrost I'd imagine ?
Freezer actually dries the flowers. No need for freezer bag. After a month + freeze time, remove from freezer, and thaw for a few hours, and should be dry enough to smoke . Don't place it next to the fish heads in freezer 🤣

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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I'd suggest you do a little investigation yourself
It works. Commercial freezers have been specifically developed for commercial/large scale growers, and have been used for a number of years. What's there to investigate?

afghan bob

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Do u reckon it would work 4 oil brother Reynard?
Usually gotta dry and cure but this seems somewhat appealing to my lazy arse

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Do u reckon it would work 4 oil brother Reynard?
Usually gotta dry and cure but this seems somewhat appealing to my lazy arse
Never tried making oil Bob, so don't know. Maybe test a cola or 2 and share your findings. The trichomes can break off when frozen, which is why I use a paper towel to contain/collect them.


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What's your problem, he should just trust what you say is gospel?

As anything the OP should do some research

I'm sure commercial growers d9nt wrap them individually to catch broken trichs


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Do u reckon it would work 4 oil brother Reynard?
Usually gotta dry and cure but this seems somewhat appealing to my lazy arse

It definitely suits the lazy trimmer..

I cut down plants, gave them a basic trim off large fan leaves then chucked them straight in the deep freeze, stems and all. I then trimmed at my leisure as I needed. lol. And by trim i mean, just snapped off the leaves.

And my cheap arse deep freezer is not frost free.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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What's your problem, he should just trust what you say is gospel?

As anything the OP should do some research

I'm sure commercial growers d9nt wrap them individually to catch broken trichs
EXACTLY!!!!! Just like they should research your "facts" ( incorrect as they are) that all hermies are breeder/genetics fault, and a grower can't possibly stress a plant to hermie. So we should just trust what you say as gospel, hey?


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I never said that all , neither did porky

So according to you every grow here that has had hermies it was their fault and absolutely no responsibility for the chuckers

In simple terms, hermie parents have a very high likelihood of producing hermie children. This is yet another reason why you should only ever buy your marijuana seeds from a reputable supplier. You should also be aware that some strains are more susceptible to hermaphroditism than others, in particular Thai Sativas are quite notorious for it. These strains are best left to the more experienced.


In biological terms, hermaphroditism is actually a smart move. Basically it means that the plant ceases to be dependent on external pollinators and can pollinate itself. Of course, the trade off for this is that the plant does not get the benefit of fresh genetics. So marijuana plants only hermie when they feel under threat to the point where they don't think they can hold out for external pollination. Basically the fear of dying.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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EXACTLY!!!!! Just like they should research your "facts" ( incorrect as they are) that all hermies are breeder/genetics fault, and a grower can't possibly stress a plant to hermie. So we should just trust what you say as gospel, hey?
You seem stuck on the point that it's always the growers fault and the grower has stressed the plants bad enough to cause them to hermie. You have grown over 100 strains and had only 2 hermies from your stress!
So did @Sun Ra stress his plants to make a hermie or was the plant going to hermie no matter what??

Old fox

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You seem stuck on the point that it's always the growers fault and the grower has stressed the plants bad enough to cause them to hermie. You have grown over 100 strains and had only 2 hermies from your stress!
So did @Sun Ra stress his plants to make a hermie or was the plant going to hermie no matter what??
SunRa's strain wasn't one of mine. I haven't grown it, so can't really comment. I can say that only 5 to 10 % of plants will hermie from genetics. Interesting they found between 5 -10% hermies across all 3 strains. Implied in that finding is that ALL strains can be hermied. So max stability range for a commercial breeder is around 90-95% ( average). Chances are for every 100 plants of theirs you grow, you will experience approx 5 to 10 % hermies( average). But if you're getting significantly more than that, then it's environmental error. So yes a grower can also stress a plant to hermie. I have no idea about commercial test tolerances( for hermies in seeds), but I would be surprised if the industry doesn't tolerate 5 % hermies on average. As that's really the best that genetics have to offer us. If you have grown a plant that has hermied, it's statistically possible ( maybe not that the next 90 to 95 plants of the same strain you grow could be all stable. Just because you have grown a hermie plant, doesn't mean the strain is a shit strain. It may have passed a 95% stability rate in testing. You either just got unlucky to get one of the 5 percenters, OR you're a shit grower 🤣 Maybe try growing a single strain of that plant again and see what happens? Don't just blanket point a finger at a breeder for the odd hermie plant.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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SunRa's strain wasn't one of mine. I haven't grown it, so can't really comment. I can say that only 5 to 10 % of plants will hermie from genetics. Interesting they found between 5 -10% hermies across all 3 strains. Implied in that finding is that ALL strains can be hermied. So max stability range for a commercial breeder is around 90-95% ( average). Chances are for every 100 plants of theirs you grow, you will experience approx 5 to 10 % hermies( average). But if you're getting significantly more than that, then it's environmental error. So yes a grower can also stress a plant to hermie. I have no idea about commercial test tolerances( for hermies in seeds), but I would be surprised if the industry doesn't tolerate 5 % hermies on average. As that's really the best that genetics have to offer us. If you have grown a plant that has hermied, it's statistically possible ( maybe not that the next 90 to 95 plants of the same strain you grow could be all stable. Just because you have grown a hermie plant, doesn't mean the strain is a shit strain. It may have passed a 95% stability rate in testing. You either just got unlucky to get one of the 5 percenters, OR you're a shit grower 🤣 Maybe try growing a single strain of that plant again and see what happens? Don't just blanket point a finger at a breeder for the odd hermie plant.
It said 5 to 10% and that's what I've been getting. The last 3 grows I've done I didn't have any hermies.
I have had the same set-up since 2018.
All plants are treated the same.
Remember that grow about 2 years ago I did with all the fucked up plants in soil and I changed to perlite.
I don't think is possible to stress a plant more than that grow. Didn't get a hermie that grow! They were quality genectics from Carbcon. I get what your trying to say but it's not the case for me. Every time I've had a hermie its been 1 or 2 plants from the same strain while the others of the same strain don't hermie. If I was stressing these plants to hermie why aren't all the plants in the grow hermie?
I'll tell ya why because they were guna hermie no matter what! 🤪
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