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I found out the hard way that will get you charged with leaving the scene of an accident.
Even though I stopped, checked the other driver was fine, helped move the other vehicle off the road. Left my details, licence number and insurance details with other party and got details from witnesses (Wasn't my fault). Still got visited the next morning by the Jaques wanting to arrest me. I pointed out they only knew who I was as I done all of the above & luckily the Sergeant called off his dickless CUNTstables and I was "let off" with a caution.

The moral of the story is don't give the pricks a reason to be banging on your door and risk 'em stumbling on your "hobby"
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User ID
Just park it under an old eucalypt, those things love dropping branches. Cost of repair will make it a write off. Either that or go looking for a hail storm 🌩️


User ID
Yeah, probably would. Most of the vehicles you see at salvage auctions are either flood or hail damaged Non-WOVR insurance write offs (y)

Joe Dirte

User ID
Just call the cops and tell them the car was stolen. First you need to make it disappear. Give it to a friend as a farm basher.


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It’s a really good idea do you think that would write the car off though it being submerged underwater for hour maybe before the Towetruck comes

I kinda hope ya joking..


If you leave your windows down during a nice heavy rain event and water collects in the footwells.. the car is an instant write off... even easier than a boat ramp...

They are stat write offs. not wovr.
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