When do pop seeds


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I've heard of the people that believe popping seeds around AFL grand final day but I believe I could get away with it a bit earlier.
Should I perhaps pop some seeds under lights then transplant/move them outside or does the plant know the days are slowly getting longer and stay in veg?
I imagine each strain isn't the same so some will vary.
I'm thinking of starting a test run next weekend and see what happens, I'm unsure of the daylight hours but getting in a few weeks/month earlier could really add some mass and height to the plant.


Edit/PS: Billygoat if this is the wrong thread and you feel it could do better in outdoor feel free to move it

PPS: I live in Greater South West NSW on the VIC North West Border if that helps

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Google the daylight hours for where you live Benno,,..add in roughly an hour for dusk and dawn twilight.
My bet is if you put photo seedlings outside now they will hit flower in about five weeks ,,


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Might depend on your location but mid September is a good time here in Qld. You don't really want to put vegging indoor plants outside. If you are running 18+h indoors and there is only 14h outside it may cause them to flower. I have seen 4 ft indoor plants go outside in late December and flower. Best bet is to get them a custom to the sun early. Pop them indoors and give them the best start but only a few weeks while they are still pre mature. There going to take 4-6 weeks to reach sexual maturity so make sure they are used to the sunlight hours before they are ready to party.

Also depend how big you want them, if they are in the ground etc as to what month you might do it but if planting straight outside, September is usually earliest here in Qld and if starting indoors first it might be better to plant outside October.
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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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You can pop them indoors anytime. However timing to move them outside is critical. I've had many strains start flowering when moved outside before 1 Nov in NSW. So it depends how long you want to veg for indoors, and how big your veg space is. Personally I'd start them outdoors in a small sealed glasshouse in late September. Gradually exposing them directly to the elements after first 2-3 weeks. They should veg through to mid-late Jan, which is enough for a very large plant.


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Yeh in the ground and am hoping to get them as big as possible but that may change yet due to the missus, she has mentioned my previous attempt at monster plants and said she doesn't wanna see a big fk off plants every time she drives into the backyard lol

There will deffs be a grow diary


HPS turncoat
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Yeh in the ground and am hoping to get them as big as possible but that may change yet due to the missus, she has mentioned my previous attempt at monster plants and said she doesn't wanna see a big fk off plants every time she drives into the backyard lol

There will deffs be a grow diary
Time for a new missus mate 😀
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