What are you smoking?


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Bit of bud porn, northern lights X orient express, u all must be sick of me saying the same shit. Dont worry the mango is coming lol.
Oriental express has the chunkiest little buds. Can't wait to have a good smoke of it. Looks tasty mate


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Seeing as I have until the 9th of next month off, I am going to have a cone or 2 of, some shit my wifey and daughter bought, plus some of my home grown immature shit, and a little bit of a mix of a special blend that I got in the post a while ago.

On another note, anyone have some good detox brews?


Forum Pisshead
User ID
Seeing as I have until the 9th of next month off, I am going to have a cone or 2 of, some shit my wifey and daughter bought, plus some of my home grown immature shit, and a little bit of a mix of a special blend that I got in the post a while ago.

On another note, anyone have some good detox brews?
Whats the test piss or lollipop?


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Pics tests man. If it was spit I wouldn't care. I don't smoke much, but have had a few pipes the last few weeks. Like Quite a few.


Forum Pisshead
User ID

If its a random test that makes it hard, but u need to drink as much water as u can a couple hours before the test. Try to dilute the metabolites.

Coffee is good also, the best thing is stay clean for a week or two and you’ll piss it in. 😆

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