Vote the greens get it done then fuck em off

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One Drop

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That will get it through the government is under so much pressure to reform the laws that if it didn’t get through the ground swell of voters backlash would be political death nail to the Labour Party that can’t afford. Let’s hope they see the light and reform the laws .


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They've (Greens) been at it for a few decades now, nothing really jumping out yet to instill any new confidence in this attempt.

Once the US goes (Federally), then our mob might consider it. The DC's dare not step out and lead anything on a international level.

Aye Shroomer

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They've (Greens) been at it for a few decades now, nothing really jumping out yet to instill any new confidence in this attempt.

Once the US goes (Federally), then our mob might consider it. The DC's dare not step out and lead anything on a international level.
I really hope that doesn’t happen. We need more than two parties to actually have a decent say in our country.
I hope we never change to become like USA. Private everything, rich getting richer etc.

I’m not too up to date on euro politics but doesn’t Germany have a greens government in power?

Aye Shroomer

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Ok so six nations have greens in power.
Germany, Austria, Ireland, Belgium, Luxembourg and Finland.

And all of those seem a little more progressive compared to Australia.

I’ve been to five of them too 😁

Aye Shroomer

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The one complaint I have is the license to grow. I don’t fully understand that. Unless that’s just for commercial. If home growers are allowed to grow personal supply without a license then that’s the key.
I would love to become big enough to make a legit business from weed but if it’s just for my own supply it should be allowable to just grow. ( but more than the ACT limits of 50g 😂)

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Weed Should be free bro!

its a fukin plant!

i dont for the life of me get why people have to exploit this plant for profit!

greed is bad!
100%. Many people that use cannabis do so because of either medical or general therapeutic needs, which can include the need to just "switch off" their problems temporarily. Profit culture is ruining that, making cannabis too unaffordable to be accessed by many of those in need. We used to face strongest opposition from police, government, Kustoms, big Pharma, Australian Hotels Association and ignorant medical profession. Now, we have an entire demographic from WITHIN the Canna community trying to fuck it up for the majority. Scam artists in seed sales, (overpriced)nutrient sales, PGR growers and exorbitant flower prices. Some of those dickheads are happy for cannabis to remain illegal, so they can profit from the status quo.

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Greens spokesman made it clear he wanted big pharma out of the equation re cannabis monopoly.🤔
He obviously has his plans to make some $ too.
If recreational comes in i think the med guys will loose heaps of sherkles.☝️
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