The truth is out there


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What's the thoughts on UFO's around these parts?
I'm talking the congressional UFO meetings in the US.
David Grusch.
tic-tac UFO and back engineering programs.
what you guys all reckon?

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Yea of course they are but what has the US government and others governments got there little fingers on? Ships? Bodies? Roswell for instance


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Had one coupla yrs ago in back yard, made hell of a noise and all the lights were blacked out

Wish it was a friggen UFO
Me and my partner saw a very strange very bright intense light drifting across the sky, it moved very smoothly not wobbling from the wind made no noise was only a few hundred metres from us then just disappeared later that night saw it again flying past faster with a flashing light that looked like it was coming from a cockpit flashed bright 3 times then was gone again was very weird


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Definitely believe there are unidentified objects in the sky, but I don't think they are anything from out of this world.

But being unidentified, I really have zero idea what they are. I'm more worried about the massive surge of violent homeless people smoking and selling crack in the parks beside kids though around here lately. Absolute shit storm between parents and the tent city today and it got messy.

Constant confrontation, smashed bottles and needles around kids is more terrifying than lights in the sky in my eyes.
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I've seen some bizarre fireballs in the sky though a few times over the years which defied gravity. Slow moving, not dropping with gravity and they split into two and continued along their merry path....

Seem them out camping like three times so far. I'd sure like to know what the hell they were.


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Im sure there is more, the size of the galaxy there has to be multiple life forms we can't be it. I watched a bit of a show the other night while flicking channels and an astronomer said Imagine the galaxy is the ocean then scoop up a glass the glass is how much man has studied


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Gotta get outta the flow man make your own way, not much you can do about hobo crackheads maybe get a sword, "live by the sword die by the sword" (pretty sure Jesus said that once)
The flow is too status quo.

There's such a vast expanse out there I'm sure there's something floating around bar us. I'll look into it when I can figure out my immediate surrounds at the end of the day as I'm still trying to figure out life. Once I add more to the plate bar humanity it just overwhelms me as I'm a simple being.


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I live on the edge of bushland and have no light pollion at all so I see lots of stuff when I'm sitting out the back at night having a beer and a smoke......shooting starts, iridium flares from satelites ( they are really cool).........but no flying saucers 😆


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I live on the edge of bushland and have no light pollion at all so I see lots of stuff when I'm sitting out the back at night having a beer and a smoke......shooting starts, iridium flares from satelites ( they are really cool).........but no flying saucers 😆
Thats one thing I miss now that I'm in the city. The sky is a lifeless husk around here, and there's not a single night I don't miss the view from the old water tank while having me nightcap.


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I live on the edge of bushland and have no light pollion at all so I see lots of stuff when I'm sitting out the back at night having a beer and a smoke......shooting starts, iridium flares from satelites ( they are really cool).........but no flying saucers 😆
Keep watching mate


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Doaset matter what OT os in this bullshit fuxkig world OT all comes down to money really no matter what it is everyone when it comes down to it is clout chasing keeping info for them selves or not being 100 pe e cent honest so thau can be the ones ahaod of tje curve amd have tje power money or reputation
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