Study- the Effect of Different Photoperiods on Yield

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So if I took a healthy clone now of outdoor and reveged would it effect the quality of the next flower time.??
It usually just resets flower if you vegged it out until it started producing proper leaves instead of single blade leaves, you'll go through a whole 8-10 week flower.


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Wow,I'm keen to hear a more detailed version of that whenever you get 5 man..
Was a purple punch fast. Got three weeks into flower at 15 hours and then revegged lol. A few days after reveg started.
Close too Three weeks after flipping back 12
Another three weeks later. Went another five weeks after this pic. I'll see if I have any more pics, got pretty bulbous.
I don't know why I expected it to keep flowering at 15 though. Serves me right lol..
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Fuckn oath , that sounds like the go this time of year .

Q Would a clone revenge under a t5 ? If so for how long ?
Yep, any light will do. Being a clone you'll want to slow it's metabolism down until it roots anyway so a 4000k or 6500k t5 would be fine.

Once it roots it's cube (could take a while) and it's thrown into a planter it shouldn't take too long (around two weeks) to start showing elongation and strange foliage changes.
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