Self Irrigation Help


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Need some help with an unavoidable shitshow. This little one is about 11 weeks old.
in about 10 weeks at the start Feb 2024 i have to F off abroad for 3 weeks. (Unexpectedly)
Don’t really have anyone who would care for this one.
Any ideas how I could set up self irrigation for that amount of time? I’m in Se qld so it will be hot as fuck. Any ideas please? 🙏

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Goonie Goat

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You can get a dripper halo and some tubing, a large container for your res and a digital timer which you can set up to drip feed. Maybe chuck the plant in a box of its own with risers to catch any runoff (digital timers can be programmed by minute intervals compared to 15 min analogue timers). Dural irrigation has some cheap 4 inch halos fast shipping also. Plenty of time to dial it in, you might want to get some algaecide blocks to throw in the res to buy you some time (they last upto 4 weeks apparently)
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Sultan Of Soil
User ID
I'd suggest blumat drip system attached to the water tap rather than having a reservoir system

blumat don't require power or timer , you push one or more terracotta type spikes into the soil that's filled with water

as the soil around the spike drys it starts to pull that water out of the spike which in turn opens a drip line attached to the top of the spike which starts dripping

as the soil gets wet around the spike from the dripping , the spike sucks moisture back in which then closes off the drip line & stops dripping

it's the soil moisture level that turns the system off or on

you buy a system that is ready to go as a gravity fed system that you supply a reservoir for , if you buy the extra pressure reducer you can attach it to a tap so no need for a reservoir

you can use the system indoor or outdoor but the pressure reducer is more of an outdoor thing , but doesn't mean you can't use it indoors , while you still have time at home it would be best to set it up now to get used to how it works & iron out any issues before you go away

just my 2c
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