Seeds in Oz?


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Hey everyone!
We have left it until last minute to get seeds and our tent is currently being untouched wah! I tried looking up Aussie baked beans and another site but can’t seem to find anything. Any recommendations on where I can get some feminised from? I seen caveman seeds had some, but was wondering if there was any other recommendations about?
Thanks heaps in advance :)

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Not much, I was mining with a 1080 before it got too difficult - I got to about 0.1 Eth and decided I got bored, I used 0.0347 eth to buy 10 seeds.

Too bloody hot to mine with the 2080 I use for gaming. I was using Claymore miner, seemed to work OK.


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Believe it or not.. When Bitcon first kicked off I had a 24RU rack full of 1RU AMD something servers with I think GT9500 cards at the time and decided to not mine with them 😭
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