Root development


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When it comes to root development I have a few questions. Does root development primarily happen in veg state, and what about in flower, will the roots still grow out to fill the container if they hadnt had enough time to do so in veg or will the plant primarily focus on flower development during then? I've been thinking about this when it comes to time frames of transplanting in veg and how long would be needed for a plant to utilize the larger container space before being put into flower, (in general naturally, I usually think of the width of the top side of plant/tree should have roots out the same width but it's harder for me to visualize what might end up being when theres plant training that'll be done, so those visual cues might not be the same as what I am used to, so that's why I was wondering about general time frame after transplant before a plant would have utilized enough of the extra container space to be flipped into flower if your happy with everything else at that time.
Sorry if I'm rambling, I just like to plan these these scenarios out, as it helps me understand things better.

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I've transplanted from a 5L pot into a 5gal pot at week three or four of flower and it ended up filling the 5 gallon pot by the finish so they definitely still grow roots during flower.

I'll start with 140mm pots and usually they'll start circling the pot around 2.5 weeks...I'll transplant into a 3-5 gallon around then and it'll have a good amount of roots coming out the drainage holes by week four when I'll flip. They will push heaps of roots during stretch as well.


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As benno mentioned, watering frequency and habits play a good roll in root development. I'd say the most common issue I've seen is people water around the stem too often and refuse to saturate the pot out of fear of overwatering, but that basically creates a small pocket of moisture, locking the roots into one place. 95% of the watering issues here lately have been underwatering.

The roots seek out and need moisture, and if you water properly they will always seek out the moisture at the bottom of the pot and build up a good base of root stock. Refusing to water the whole pot is the bane of root development in my eyes.
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