Howdy everyone


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New member, looking for a tight-knit community for guidance and a good laugh. been a very long time since I've been a part of a forum. First time grower. looking for all the help i can get. Been on the edge of joining for awhile now. been lurking in the shadows but decided i need an outlet, My partner does like me talking to her about this stuff :D

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HPS turncoat
Community Member
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welcome Jiffy!
Into it it mate!
Males ay?
next time sow a few extra seeds to compensate for the blokes!
what sorta setup ya runnin?

Ganja Kaiser

User ID
I got an indoor grow. 1st time. flipped about 12 days ago. looking closely tonight. i think they are both male. i kinda want to cry a little. been 8 weeks. :(
This is why I went femenized seeds for my first grow and I still stuffed that up. Ended up with one girl and didn't even get the second to sprout.

Before you pull them maybe take some photos. Plenty of people on here will be able to give you a definitive answer to their sex.

If they do turn out to be male don't be disheartened. Get some more beans going and start a diary on here. It's great fun and the community love it.

Good luck mate. Looking forward to seeing some pics of your setup and plants.


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Welcome, jiffy. This joint should fill the void you're looking for. Topics may go off the rails at times, and get a bit heated. But when it comes to the crunch, most folks here brush the BS aside and look out for each other. If a individual can't deal with it, they usually piss off, and probably for the better anyway.

Good time of year to get a grow on, and many will steer you in the right direction if you happen to run into any complications. (y)


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Hey guys Thanks for the warm welcoming. I'm going to start a grow diary so you can check out my setup. its a small setup just for me, and I've made mistakes, but its all part of the learning curve. I'll let you all know when I've posted it so you can have a lookie and give me some direction etc.
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