Hello hello


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Had 9% bourbon cans for $6 at the IGA, Homestead ? or something like that, I never bought any, was tempted tho lol
hahahaha love it Pedro ... your interceptions are on pointe`lol

meanwhile in the deep freeze of Canberra ...brrrr... I did a big shop this morn and got my fortnightly supplies along with a cardboard box of vino lol ...feels like the weekend at mine atm lol

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Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Good on ya Pedro....

Look but don't touch.....
Touch but don't taste......
Taste.....but don't swallow........

Keep the devil from your door
Which one ?

I reckon there is more than one, lots of different Gods out there, makes sense to have a lot of differant Devils

The tnuc better bring his/her/its own grog, me and "my" God have barely got enough to last the night hey


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No he's not.

You just called him out as being whiny because you know that would hurt him.
He told you so he doesn't like the thought of whinging poms.

He's just doing his freedom of speech and it don't suit you.

boo hoo.

Yes he is.

no idea what the whinging pom reference is.

I am all for freedom of speech.

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