Hello All


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Hello all,

Recently back with a focus on quality not quantity, trying a few new things including own worm castings, dry amendments and organic blends. Photo period is my go to. Would love to start my own pheno hunting but space is limited. Being out of the scene for a while so will be reading everyone's grow journals and hopefully some advice along the way.

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Hello all,

Recently back with a focus on quality not quantity, trying a few new things including own worm castings, dry amendments and organic blends. Photo period is my go to. Would love to start my own pheno hunting but space is limited. Being out of the scene for a while so will be reading everyone's grow journals and hopefully some advice along the way.
Welcome bro, There is a wealth of knowledge here.
Do you produce your own soil ?
There is something satisfying about turning plant waste into a fully thriving soil and not needing to pour salt into your medium every 3 days.
Look forward to seeing you around!


User ID
Hello all,

Recently back with a focus on quality not quantity, trying a few new things including own worm castings, dry amendments and organic blends. Photo period is my go to. Would love to start my own pheno hunting but space is limited. Being out of the scene for a while so will be reading everyone's grow journals and hopefully some advice along the way.
Welcome to TSE friend 👍

Good luck with no till !



User ID
Welcome bro, There is a wealth of knowledge here.
Do you produce your own soil ?
There is something satisfying about turning plant waste into a fully thriving soil and not needing to pour salt into your medium every 3 days.
Look forward to seeing you around!
I have tried a bit with our general garden, I have two young boys which seem to be intent of creating a ongoing supply of half eaten fruit for my worm bin and a half decent yard to produce enough browns. Was going to try my own and do a bit of a side by side with someone who does this for a living (Easy as Organics, Gro-dirt). Fingers crossed.


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I have tried a bit with our general garden, I have two young boys which seem to be intent of creating a ongoing supply of half eaten fruit for my worm bin and a half decent yard to produce enough browns. Was going to try my own and do a bit of a side by side with someone who does this for a living (Easy as Organics, Gro-dirt). Fingers crossed.
The worm compost is the stuff. Been doing that for years, all our veg scraps go into the compost. Got a garden full of worms now, anything will grow. And thats saying something in this soil here where we are.
User ID
I have tried a bit with our general garden, I have two young boys which seem to be intent of creating a ongoing supply of half eaten fruit for my worm bin and a half decent yard to produce enough browns. Was going to try my own and do a bit of a side by side with someone who does this for a living (Easy as Organics, Gro-dirt). Fingers crossed.
I started a small worm farm in a tote tub filled it with worms, As they breed i take some out and replace with bedding every now and then and add them to my bigger compost / soil mix that's about 1x2 meters.

Once a plant is finished it gets recycled back in the big compost to be re amended, its a cycle.

As Zanzi stated garden is full of worms all year round
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