Giving up the bongs

Red Eye Hero

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So for the past two weeks every time I have a bong my chest goes all Weezy And I can’t stop coughing looks like it’s time to give up the bongs but I still want to get high so I’m probably going to make some infused coconut oil this weekend but not sure what is the best coconut oil to buy if someone could please send me a link of the best coconut oil to buy that would be great thank you

Not sure if I was too high but it was strange I was able to stop the wheezing by filling up my lungs with as much air as possible and holding it for 10 seconds I did that 10 times and the wheezing stopped strange or was I just high lol

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Forum Pisshead
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You should have a look at making caps, I was gifted a few they are pretty good at least you can have a specific dose.



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Yeah, a combo of all i would think. Constant body stone with edibles is something i dont think i could do long term.

Good luck with whatever you come up with, Red. (y)
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