Flowering time calculation


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Something I’ve been curious about.
Measuring the length of time of flowering.
I’ve had random cultivars produce single flowers at some nodes for weeks or months before multiplying. As an outdoor gardener I estimate flowering as started once that No. changes to 2-3 flowers per node. I have also found the recommended time of flowering goes out the window outdoors in terms of accuracy. Even trichome colour is not a complete indication of ripeness, and harvesting for me is a weird balance of gut feelings, overall appearance and time.
So indoors with say an 8 week strain, does that 8 weeks start at flipping or once 2+ flowers appear? I would think that indoors, flowering times and trichome colour would be a more accurate guide due to the level of control of the growing environment.
Anyway curious to others thoughts. Thanks.

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I've noticed quite a few strains stay in pre flower/transition for a few weeks. The haze I ran last year year pre flowered at flip but took weeks to stretch and actually stack calyx. I've had strains transition over a few days and others over three weeks.

I'll be counting from onset of flowers now instead of flip. But at the end of the day, done is done regardless of when you count from.


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I've never looked at trichs tbh. I'd rather go by overall structure, swell and stigma retraction. Plants will suck in their stigma in an attempt to limit pollination when they are done.


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Timing from flip is ok it they flip straight away. I have 2 that are at 2 weeks and haven't shown any flower.
I always time from flip even if growing heavy sativas which might take 3-4+ weeks before they show signs of flowering. It’s the change in light hours that creates the hormonal response to flower so it’s only fair to measure from when that change was triggered not when it displays in a plant.
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