Dying and I dunno what to do


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Probably another dumb question, but does anyone know what could be happening? I water it once a day, I put a bottle top over the top for humidity, it's in direct sunlight for 8-12 hours per day and indirect for a couple of hours before dark. It also gets REALLY hot under the bottle when it's in the sun during the day. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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I'm not that experienced, but I agree with others have said above. You said it gets really hot under the plastic bottle, so if it's uncomfortably hot to you, then it's probably the same for your plant. And being such a young plant it won't have the ability to cope with that environment for a long time before it would start to die. Also because of the conditions the plant is being subjected to that amount of soil would dry out quickly, causing you to have to over water it trying to compensate for that. It's not too late to follow the suggestions others have given to give your plant the best chance to survive.

afghan bob

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I u have a close look at seedling the tips of leaves look a little burnt
Maybe mix is 2 hot or sauna conditions taking toll
Anyways, great bunch here 2 bounce shit off
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