do you know what PLU number is ?


Sultan Of Soil
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What are those numbers on fruit stickers?​

The numbers on stickers are called PLU numbers which means Price Look-Up numbers. One of their keys uses is to help the person
at the check-out know what fruit you have and charge you the right amount.

They are internationally used – the code for conventionally-grown yellow bananas (4011) is the same everywhere in the world, just
as 3424 is the number for purple or red carrots.

There are around 1450 PLU numbers issued and they each refer to a different type of fresh produce. You can look them up on the
PLU code database

The number doesn’t tell you where they are from, who grew them, although sometimes this information is also on the label.

How do I tell from the fruit sticker if it is really organic?​

While it is really irritating picking off these plastic labels and having to throw them away, there is a purpose.
They clearly identify whether the food you are consuming is organic.
  1. Four digit numbers are conventionally grown (eg: 4011 – conventionally grown yellow banana)
  2. Five digit numbers starting with ‘9’ are organic. (eg: 94011 – organically grown yellow banana)
  3. Five digit numbers starting with ‘8’ are genetically modified. (eg: 84011 – GMO grown yellow banana) – very rarely seen or used.
  4. Five digit numbers starting with ‘3’ (#3xxxx) mean that the produce has been electronically pasteurised (irradiated).

Can I tell from the fruit sticker if my fruit is genetically modified?​

Just because there is a category for genetically modified produce, most suppliers would not label it as such.

Having said that, no fresh produce grown in Australia can be GMO and no fresh produce containing GMOs from other countries
can be sold at this point either.

Different countries have different standards so it is good to check the situation in your region. However, from the labels, the only
way to be sure that your shop bought produce is not genetically modified is by purchasing organic products (a five digit number
starting with a ‘9’). Organics do not allow GMOs.

I found this really interesting overview of which foods might contain GMOs.

This document it says that in the USA, there are GMO apples, papaya, potatoes, pineapples, sweet corn, yellow crookneck squash
and zucchini available.

Australia has approved the use of GMO potatoes in chips – so you may well be getting GMO spuds when you buy frozen chips, or
go to the local chippy, and they could be cooked in GMO canola oil too. Another reason to buy fresh ingredients and cook from scratch.

How do I avoid these fruit stickers?​

In most of the bigger supermarkets and conventional food stores you will find these stickers on almost individual pieces of fruit.
However you can avoid them when you shop at an farmers markets, organic food stores, community supported agriculture programs or,
of course by growing your own fruit.

Are the stickers edible?​

I came across a lot of sites saying that these little stickers were made of edible paper with food grade glue so if you accidentally
swallowed one it wouldn’t really matter.

I’m not convinced. Maybe they are in some places, but not here, or not consistently. I found an apple with a sticker and did a little test.
It was super stretchy. Last time I checked, paper didn’t have these qualities.

Best avoided!

this blog post looks like it was posted at the link above in 2017 , 5 years ago
& was repeated by Vasili from Vasili's garden youtube this morning

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There was a big outcry when these came onto the market, the supermarkets wouldn't accept fruit from a supplier without the stickers, so farmers had to race out and pay for the expensive machinery to place these stickers onto their fruit plus all the consumables, out of their own pocket... all the while the supermarkets were also trying to squeeze every last drop out of their profits.

Just so the numbnut at the checkout could have an easier job, not having to figure out if your apple is a Royal Gala or a Fuji.



The Dwarf Hermie King
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There was a big outcry when these came onto the market, the supermarkets wouldn't accept fruit from a supplier without the stickers, so farmers had to race out and pay for the expensive machinery to place these stickers onto their fruit plus all the consumables, out of their own pocket... all the while the supermarkets were also trying to squeeze every last drop out of their profits.

Just so the numbnut at the checkout could have an easier job, not having to figure out if your apple is a Royal Gala or a Fuji.

Go through self service and all Apples are brown Onions!! 😉
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