Citric acid pH down stopped being effective


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Quick question, I have a bottle of the flairform pH down, I didn't bother reading the label and turns out it's citric acid based.
Usually I need about 20/25 drops to bring my mix down to 5.9/6, today it's just not working, I measured some of the pH down directly and it is at 6.0, I have a bluelab pH pen but it's about a 5 weeks since calibration. Should I be trusting the meter? Seems to be reading tap water correctly and pre ph mix is about right, can a pH down just rise like that? I won't be using CA again but not sure if I should dump the mix. Bit broke otherwise I would just go get calibration solution

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Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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if the ph pen is calibrated it should have a little tick next to the ph symbol on the screen
I would save up for the 4 & 7 calibrating solutions but until then maybe remix a new batch and check the ph again
what size is the res to need 25 drops?


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Yea the tick went about a week ago, still I know people use them for months so I am surprised.
It's a tiny res, just mixing individual feeds so 4L total.


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+1 with the phosphoric acid.

I found the ph rarely fluctuated in the rez over time. Sometimes it'd be 2-3 weeks in between rez changes with DWC, and would get topped up with ph balanced water from a plastic rubbish bin (with aerator) i'd always have prepared nearby.


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So the update is my PH pen was faulty, it's a bluelab and only 4 months old, guys at the shop tested it and swapped on the spot.
Apparently they had a few faulty units from bluelab lately as they were overloaded during covid. Worth keeping in mind if you have bought anything from them in the last 12 months.

I picked up some phosphoric acid and will be using that now. I have always had issues with pH going right up (6.5/7 from 6 within hours, depending on mix) but it's Coco and shit is healthy so I wasn't worried (I also get mag deficiency if I water below 6 for to long, so it's probably not that high for the plant), hopefully this will be different.
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