Changing light cycle, and minimise stress (Vegetative Stage)


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Traditionally, I've always operated my HPS lights to run through the night to minimise heat and load issues. Which I've done with my current grow. But since hooking up my LED light just last week, it appears I'll manage the temperature a lot better by running them during the day instead.

So to achieve this I need to change the light cycle. It had been coming on at 4:30pm in the afternoon, and turn off at 10:30am the following morning (for the HPS). But I want to change that (for the LED) to come on at 3:00am and run through to 9:00pm the same night.

I'm not sure if it's that detrimental during the vegetative stage than it is during flowering stage. But I'm wanting to change these light cycles and minimise stress while to so.

Only thing that came to mind is to run the light 24 hours a day for the next 3-4 days, and then flip it over to the latter light cycle.

Any thoughts about this?

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