

User ID
Looks like I might be a pollen chucker in the making folks.

In regards to male plants obviously I would have to keep them in a separate tent.
How easy is it to strike cuttings off males?
how soon can males be identified? do you collect it?
Does it need to be dried/ processed in some way before use?
Can you collect it and store it for later use?
When is the optimal time/ stage of growth for pollinating the flowers.

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Aye Shroomer

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Jumping in the deep end hey 😆

All I know is that males show before females do.
Pollen can be collected but I have no idea.

I have five regs I popped a couple of weeks ago. I’ll check back once they a developed.


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I'd suggest getting some grow gear and getting a grow and some jars of buds under ya belt.... before you consider breeding. :)
Yep...right you are.
I tend to jump in the deep end with both boots...gahhh..mashing my metaphors but you get my drift.

I'm just looking at a uncertain future as the manure starts to slide into the supply chain break downs as seen everywhere from grocery stores, feed stores, hardware etc...
My whole mindset with my garden, chickens, ducks, quail, food and water storage has been self sufficiency.

I'm simply applying my logic to my medicine supply.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
Community Member
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I'd suggest getting some grow gear and getting a grow and some jars of buds under ya belt.... before you consider breeding. :)
Yeah, high risk of accidental pollination for a first grow. It's almost too easy to pollinate, and takes some effort to isolate plants(pollen) and control the "chuck" so everything in a 1km radius isn't seeded 😜 Beans I've sent you should be enough for next two years grows👍 But after 1 or 2 unseeded grows, if you're still interested in checking pollen you'll get good advice from this site, at that time.
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