Bloody stoner gamers lol

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The Stoned Jester

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Cyberpunk 2077

Interesting read.. there appears to be configuration file written up to suit the consoles has made it's way over to the PC version which restricts the CPU to 1536mb, and GPU to 3gb.

If this is legit, this fix could be a huge performance increase to those with Graphics Cards that have 8gb memory 'n up. My system seems to handle the game okay for now 'n i'm not keen on fucking around with my new gfx card just yet. So i'll probably wait until the official hotfix is released.

Bit of read here about it.. PCGamesSN

Yeah as you can see from the earlier posts I've got a pretty beefy system, but 2077 makes it PISS, unless I turn on DLSS it's shit it's a real system drainer.


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Nah, man. But i did check out some gameplay videos on youtube a couple of weeks back. Looks like a hell of a game. What's the deal, is it best to hook up as a clan or something?
It is a pretty sweet game. I play on xbox. Yeah they call it a tribe. Has a pvp and pve servers. Pve you can manage alone but pvp you better off in a tribe


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I have asked a friend of mine if he tried this game called Ark, and he told me that it is both a fantastic open-world survival game and a depressingly painful one. If you have plenty of free time, you'll get the most out of it, but if you can't dedicate a large portion of your life to Ark, you will find yourself to be a very little fish in a very big pond. I was surprised to hear it from him since he usually says things like a cool game, worst game ever, etc. Anyone playing Rocket League here? I've heard that you need to buy rocket league items in order to develop in the game and become better. Is it true?
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