Best/Weirdest Stoner Idea You've Had


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Thought it would be Funny or Interesting to hear the Weirdest, Funniest or Brilliant Idea You've had when your absolutely Baked.

The Funniest one I can remember probably about 15 years ago now, was getting baked with a friend, and I couldn't stop talking about the idea of a type of new invention for people who are caught in the desert, They would be this golf ball sized capsule that you could easily slide into your mouth and the skin would only react to saliva, in doing so you would melt the coating and would hold just enough for one mouth full of water. and you could carry a small sack full or something. I guess watching too many movies where they chug down their water canister too fast and die in the desert.

I must have been rambling on about this for about an hour time my friend, drawing diagrams and what not. and even trying to name the idea, i think it was something stupid like "Meltz"

Now that i think of it, the thought probably came to me because I had extreme cotton mouth at the time :ROFLMAO:

I love Random Stoner thoughts!!

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One night a few years back my wife was having trouble trying to get one of our kids to eat his vegies. I made a pretend phonecall to his teacher and faked a conversation where if he didn't eat his vegies I would perform Fortnite dances in my undies during a school assembly. It worked TOO well, and he started crying.


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While stoned and deep in thought, I sometimes have these moments where I'll suddenly 'understand.'

That then leads to some amazing ideas, discoveries and inventions that'll change the world for the better of all mankind.

But I always forget. ;) Usually while still thinking about it.

I'm fucking hopeless, I'll sometimes forget what I was saying mid sentence in a convo, yet know off by heart all my abn, credit/bank acc no. and stupid shit like that.
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