Already Been Vaped (ABV)

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Some people call it ABV, I call it what it really is, Vape Poo.

Vape poo tastes like shit if you smoke it, eat it, etc. There's only a single way I found to get around it and that was dusting it up and putting it in gel caps. From my experience though using 00 capsules you need at least 10 of them to start getting effects that make it worthwhile which not only feels like consuming a meal in of itself but god fucking help you if you burp within an hour of taking them. It's like your favourite plant took a hot and dusty roasted shit in your mouth and it coats your insides on the way out. You'd think a glass of water would help wash it away but all it does is purify the taste for you to enjoy even more. That said it's an amazing muscle relaxant and both babies and logs will get a worse night of sleep than you will taking a 10+ cap dose. Want to know what does the same thing but actually tastes and feels amazing at the same time? Smoking a single cone of a 8-10 week indica harvested at 12 weeks.

Like all things that are literal shit vape poo belongs in the compost heap. Hell I'll start the rumor that it will increase the potency of your plants due to the roots sucking that shit up from day one just to encourage noobs to do the right thing with it. I'm not your mother though, do what you will with the shit, just know that you're going to regret not having a cone of fresh gear instead.


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Vape poo tastes like shit if you smoke it, eat it, etc.

If it's pitch black - yeah, I guess your vape poo description would apply.

I vape and get to a certain level of high, I don't revape the stuff later to get it to pitch black; I've never been into couch-lock. For the following session I'll vape new product, that's why I save the ABV, which is mostly brown.

I haven't had issue with burping later and tasting anything noticeable, though I'd only have less than a teaspoonful and my soup ingredients would be more overpowering.

I find fish oil caps and McDonalds burps to be way more unpleasant when I have noticed ABV.

Put it on vegemite toast.

Promite & cheese on toast - way better imo!

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