ABC - Australian Bastard Cannabis - legit?

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Lol.....someone posted me ABC seeds(allegedly) when I joined ozstoners four years ago. Hahahaha. I read elsewhere the THC levels were akin to hemp, and yield akin to autoflowers. But, I do have an eskimo for sale 🤣 if anyone wants to make me an offer I may consider selling it. Was lived in by a remote innuit tribe whose average lifespan is 150 years+. The guy who lived in this one was easily over 200 years old. 🤣
Nice gift 👍 while the THC and CBD are low in ABC, it would be interesting to see if there are any other compounds that are prominent eg. CBG.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Nice gift 👍 while the THC and CBD are low in ABC, it would be interesting to see if there are any other compounds that are prominent eg. CBG.
Yeah I on-gifted them to a newbie grower at the time. He couldn't pop the seeds open. Gone now I think a few others who grew that particular batch , (via reports from that other weed site)had some Hermie issues.

Harry bootlace

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I bought some from the seed factory and none popped, I enquired and he said he had other complaints and they were hard to pop.
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