A question about drying and curing


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I have a question when I harvest the buds and its time for drying and cure if I dry the amount I need to infuse with oil can I get away with just drying and not cure or should I cure aswell.

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I have a question when I harvest the buds and its time for drying and cure if I dry the amount I need to infuse with oil can I get away with just drying and not cure or should I cure aswell.
Imho from personal experience (& from what Google tells me) it probably depends on what effect you're looking for from your oil......the THC content (+ other cannabinoids) degrade (not a bad thing) slowly during curing, which changes the overall effect when consumed.

I enjoy sampling my girls from harvest onwards (although about 6months into a cure is when, for my taste, the buds are absolutely primo for smoking anyway) just so I track the change in the flower & it's effect. Definitely a journey.
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