🖕FUCK ALL QUEENSLANDERS🖕 GO THE BLUES!!!!! But I won’t put my money where my loud mouth is!!!!


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Game two will be a beast, I swear Tom Gilbert dislocated his shoulder vibrating raw cockroach hate. He and (Fleggie) need to learn to turn it down a notch.

I'm so proud of the Hammer and Muzz, just need Luki out there and we'll have a Cairns Junior Rugby League Fest (Fleggie and Slater played in CJRL too).
Tom Gilbert is the epitome of an inbred Queenslander!! 🤣
Looks like a Neanderthal!!

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Tom Gilbert is the epitome of an inbred Queenslander!! 🤣
Looks like a Neanderthal!!
Lindsay Collins would be runner up :LOL:

Corey Hornsbourgh for game two. I hope he makes Luai squeal like a pig cause he has nice hair and a purty mouth.


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If all goes to plan he will never be there again , Hynes will have 6 unless he's another Braith Anasta
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