The Alcohol Thread.


Forum Pisshead
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The real enemy are the "true believers" they much worse then the religious nutters or the rat fuckers the fuckheads

Rat fucking cunts have one huge problem, all their shit is made in rat fucking land

It’s been awhile now but you are a good bloke pedro definitely a character and fun to be around on the piss. You do bore me at times but overall you are a cool cunt.

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Forum Pisshead
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It’s like that old joke

I feel sorry for people that don’t drink.

Because when they wake up in the morning that’s the best they are going to feel all day.

Aye Shroomer

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Random purchase tonight but it’s surprisingly refreshing. Grabbed the wife a prosecco but I didn’t feel like that. Got to love product placement at the registers. image.jpg
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