My Favourite coco


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My favourite coco. Never has pests in it because the pressing kills them. Cheap 27 bucks and before you say it I buffer it myself. All you do is put about 50ml of calmg in you wheel barrow etc fill half full of water so it's mixed and Dump your block in and let it soak for about 5 hours. Because calmg is coco's preffered nutrient it drops anything else (cation exchange) it's holding and soaks up the CalMg.this stops the coco robbing your plants of CalMg and causing lock out. Far more economical than the brand name stuff that prob comes from the same factory. Hope this helps any one on a budget20240121_161436.jpg

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Coco Pro for outdoor shit 🤣. Might come with a few bonus ghats or something but that doesn't matter. Works for me just mix whatever the fuck you want into it.


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Coco Pro for outdoor shit 🤣. Might come with a few bonus ghats or something but that doesn't matter. Works for me just mix whatever the fuck you want into it.
Gnats don't seem to be a prob out doors. I used rocky Point in all my pot plants around the house


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Aye Shroomer

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As someone who used to rinse and buffer these bricks years ago, I'd argue that the amount of time and water needed to properly rinse and buffer just isn't worth it unless your doing large amounts.

A bigger issue is the consistency of the coco, not all coco is the same and these bricks can come from dust to quite a coarse coco i've found. All of which will lead to vastly different amounts of water and air holding capacity in the pot.

Can buy better quality pre buffered coco in bricks too. I used way2grow bricked coco for years straight and it worked well, was like $20 bucks for a brick that made roughly 75 litres of coco.

Love to grow

Foot man
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I don’t skimp out on the coco I use hygen coirlite pre buffered ya get clear runoff straight out of the bag never let me down it is 110$ for 2 50litre bags though👍


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I don’t skimp out on the coco I use hygen coirlite pre buffered ya get clear runoff straight out of the bag never let me down it is 110$ for 2 50litre bags though👍
That would only get me 5 of the 20x 20litre pots I need filled lol. And once it's buffered with about 2 dollars worth of CalMg it's the same shit and 60 bucks for 100 litres of perlite I fill 20 × 20 litre pots for around 130 bucks 😉

Love to grow

Foot man
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That would only get me 5 of the 20x 20litre pots I need filled lol. And once it's buffered with about 2 dollars worth of CalMg it's the same shit and 60 bucks for 100 litres of perlite I fill 20 × 20 litre pots for around 130 bucks 😉
Each to their own mate it’s got trichoderma it’s ph buffered aswell as cal and mag to way better than shitty salt filled block coco it’s not the same shit not many people grow 20 x 20ltr pots indoors and if your using it outdoor my only question is why? 2.5 ounces would pay for your 20x20 litre pots is the way I look at it have you ever seen the colour come out of them bricks they chock a block full of sodium which if not removed correctly will do a number on your root zone ph but as I said each to their own plenty of ways to skin a cat man👍


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Each to their own mate it’s got trichoderma it’s ph buffered
Coco has a pH of 5.2 to 6.8 naturally that's why it's so good. Unless its PH'd outside of that range its a gimmick .And it drops all the salt when you buffer it CalMg is it's preferred element so it drops everything else in favour (incuding sodium)of it, put it in a pot and rinse done. when people pay top dollar their paying for a $ 2.50 process. I grow indoors I like to grow different ways to keep up with trends last round I done RDWC before that soil before that coco and perlite now back to coco this round. I'm just saying this is MY favourite coco and I know there's a few blokes on pensions and guys starting out that can't afford brand name stuff

Goonie Goat

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I'm relatively new to growing in coco, but I've been pretty happy using the 30L Pinegro stuff from Snags'R'Us™.

@ ~$14/30L it's the just the right combination of cheap and laze for me 👌
Damn the price keeps going up, that stuff used to be way cheaper!


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I'm relatively new to growing in coco, but I've been pretty happy using the 30L Pinegro stuff from Snags'R'Us™.

@ ~$14/30L it's the just the right combination of cheap and laze for me 👌
Pine grow is the brand Bunnings sells out in the garden section but they don't store it well at my local Bunnings and it gets rained on and has a thousand fungas gnats buzzing around it. The bags have holes pinched in them all over for drainage and I think there big enough for them to lay eggs in. I like it too but usually poor hot water through it first and it's time consuming. When I used to buy it from the Revesby bunnings when I lived down south it was good.(Edit ) I just got the snags are us bit 😅 I've had a few corkers and a gummy tonight and I'm fucked up 😆

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Coco has a pH of 5.2 to 6.8 naturally that's why it's so good. Unless its PH'd outside of that range its a gimmick .And it drops all the salt when you buffer it CalMg is it's preferred element so it drops everything else in favour (incuding sodium)of it, put it in a pot and rinse done. when people pay top dollar their paying for a $ 2.50 process. I grow indoors I like to grow different ways to keep up with trends last round I done RDWC before that soil before that coco and perlite now back to coco this round. I'm just saying this is MY favourite coco and I know there's a few blokes on pensions and guys starting out that can't afford brand name stuff
Good advice, and no doubt it's a low cost solution. But damn, 20 x 20 litre pots of coco is a fairly large grow, especiallyfor an indoor home grow. I'd expect to produce about 7 to 8 pounds each round, with that much medium. By way of comparison, I use 7 litre final pots, and aim for 2.5 to 3 ounces of flower( on average) from each 7 litre pot.


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Good advice, and no doubt it's a low cost solution. But damn, 20 x 20 litre pots of coco is a fairly large grow, especiallyfor an indoor home grow. I'd expect to produce about 7 to 8 pounds each round, with that much medium. By way of comparison, I use 7 litre final pots, and aim for 2.5 to 3 ounces of flower( on average) from each 7 litre pot.
Yeah I only veg 2 weeks but I go away alot for work so the 20litre hempy bucket gives me 3 to 4 days grace. It's a 1200×2400 space Iast coco round I squeezed 18 in so this round I'm going for 20


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I'm a big fan of coco and have done it both ways. I'm using Bio-diesel premium coco and it's beautiful.
One thing I didn't see mentioned with the brick coco is rinsing it. After its first soak to break it up, the amount of fine muddy coco that comes out is about 1/4 to 1/3 if its total volume.

The last 90l brick I amended, I was left with over a 20l bucket of super fine coco mud, using shade cloth as a filter over a big tub hosing it through. Now it is light and fluffy and after a cal/mag soak to buffer it, 30L of added perlite, now with a good handful of greatwhite mycos my 100L of (almost equivalent) premium coco is ready to use.

Total out of pocket cost of about $60.... but dont forget he three or so man hours of labour involved too.

Bio-diesel premium coco 50L bag is $50.

Pros and cons for both sure, but you can't hydrate a brick of budget coco and call it the same thing as the premium product.
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