Isn't it ironic, don't ya think


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These homeless fucks in Dickson have built themselves a fucking house next door to Commonwealth bank

So the Commonwealth bank now shares a common wall with cunts who have no wealth.. kinda ironic don't ya think

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If there was large amounts of cash kept at banks like the old days it could be a plot for a bank robbery


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If there was large amounts of cash kept at banks like the old days it could be a plot for a bank robbery
You could be right mate lol

Y'know you wouldn't think it from the front but it goes right back eh must be a 3 beddy


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Ironic would be you end up homeless. It’s a poor thing to punch down.
They choose to live rough but I'm telling you now, there is plenty of help out there if you're willing to except it

I got off my arse and sorted my shit out but I ain't that much different to those cunts in the house made out of pallets so they're fair game as far as I'm concerned


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They choose to live rough but I'm telling you now, there is plenty of help out there if you're willing to except it

I got off my arse and sorted my shit out but I ain't that much different to those cunts in the house made out of pallets so they're fair game as far as I'm concerned
I dunno man my local housing authority has a waitlist of years and there are tents littered all over the district, help cant come fast enough for some


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I dunno man my local housing authority has a waitlist of years and there are tents littered all over the district, help cant come fast enough for some
Yeh absolutely mate like I said to the other bloke I spent 3 years essentially homeless while I waited to reach the top of the waiting list for public housing and it was a tremendous relief to have a place I can call home.

In regards to the choice to except assistance to improve ones situation, many make that conscious decision not to except help and for whatever reason choose to sleep rough.

Y'know during those 3 years I spent my nights either in emergency accommodation, men's refuges, couch surfing with mates and just as you mentioned, camping amongst the gumtrees.
And despite how the song goes there weren't any fucking plum trees LoL it that would've made getting breakfast quick n easy.

Did it suck? Hell yea it was fucked and I felt the lowest I'd ever felt. Did people give a fuck? Nah not really coz at the time I didn't give a fuck about myself either.
Did they make jokes at my expense? It's highly likely but in truth anything anyone may have said about me, I can guarantee it wasn't half as bad as the shit I told myself.


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Good onya mate glad you made it through it all.. I have a feeling we in Australia *the lucky country* may see things in the near future we thought only happened in 3rd world countries.. The situation with housing is bad and getting worse, rental pricing has gone fkn crazy ever since the covid bullshit.. I wont be surprised if we start seeing tent cities popping up in most capital cities just like is happening in Merika home of the brave fenty folk and land of senile leaders.. Gawd save us all!


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Yeh you're right and not just that I get the feeling the amount of geographical refugees we see will skyrocket.

The previous government definitely missed the opportunity to improve the affordable housing issue and now we have to try make up for all the years of neglect.

Yep it's a pretty bad situation with housing and and Im extremely grateful for the place I'm in even if it is a govie it's the closest I'll ever get to owning a place of my own.

I'm not sure what everyone is upset about, was it the homeless fuck part?

I was more interested in the fact that this multi billion dollar corporation called the "Commonwealth" bank now shares a wall with people who have no wealth.

It seems I've upset a few so in that case I'd just like to tell those offended by my fucked sense of humour then I'm sincerely sorry, hobos if you're reading this I'm sorry for calling you all homeless fucks and by the way can you ask your friend to stop asking me for cigarettes and spare change.

If anyone else wants to point out why I shouldn't say what I said save your energy, I'm just fucked, for the most part a cunt & likely always will be.

afghan bob

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In Qld, legislative committee made laws of rental income’s being adjusted just once a yr and gave em selves a pat on back for being so emphatic to its citizens. Trouble is no percentages were built in for how much landlords could raise the rent
The buggers have proceeded to increase ppls miseries by $100- $300 bucks a week
That’s extortion by tall poppy syndrome so families have to live in their cars (if u got one)


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Your dead right ol matey Bob some landlords since covid seem to think its a bonanza and open season on raping tenants without so much as spittin on their freckles first.. apparently lube wasnt in their lease agreements! Sad that so many young couples trying to make a go of it are suffering the most..


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Yeah pretty much sux, my daughters rent went up $400 a week in 1 go.....Yeah they could move...but where???? I understand rates have gone up but $400 a week on top of the already expensive rent seems like a money grab, and the owners are not Mum and Dad investers either, the whole building is owned some overseas corp.
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