What's your TMO (trimming modus operandi)?

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The Dwarf Hermie King
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Once a crop is done, i'll do a full manicure trim right there 'n then. But that's only because i like to do the cleaning up straight after a grow, and get the waste mowed into the lawn. Due to the A-hole QLD law that any Cannabis plant matter (roots, stem, whatever) over 500grams can be regarded as a commercial grow that brings a larger penalty.

But yeah, bonus with that method is you only have to dry 'n cure the buds, and do your hash runs with better trim.

Ideally though, you best dry the buds on the plant over the space of 10-14 days in a cool dark place, preferably low humidity around 60% and a room temp 17-20C (?).
I found an old 60lt esky I had trimmed about 2lb into!
Leaf was dry as fuck!
Tipped it onto the lawn and ran it over with the mower!! Fucking thing exploded into a massive cloud of powdered leaf and blew straight over the fence into me neighbours!! 🤣


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Well, i absolutely hate trimming. I"ve had a broken neck twice and several spinal fusions. To me trimming is painful after more than 30 mins or so. I found the easiest way was to just trim it on the plant in the pot. Seems a bit quicker and just easier to manage IMO. Then i just cut the base and hang it
I'm sorry to hear that @Stiritup420, good that you've worked a system out 👍


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I wet trim too, seems easiest. I always queue up some music documentaries about bands that clearly enjoyed some weed. But most important, I get a wood-fired smoker going outside. Yes, we have an awesome meal after trimming, but also those clouds of pecan wood and melting pork fat completely cover any suspicious smells wafting out of the house.
Oh my you've made me hungry, if I had to pick a meat.....it'd be pork.

So much better than kerosene 😜

Northface Gorilla

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I dry trim pretty much everything. Hang up the most of the plant as possible, more biomass helps for a slower dry. Usually the 3 week mark for me is when stuffs dry enough to be chucked in containers.

The trim process starts at week 2, then into paper bags to level out before going into containers. Spent about 40 hours trimming so far not to mention my mate putting in about 25 hours an I’ve only gotten through the GC an half way through the WL.
Music an podcasts is a must. Sometimes a bit of stand up comedy


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Lagging behind pretty bad been too busy

I'm sure the girls will forgive you, I find they're very forgiving if they've had a good journey to date. Definitely a juggling act at times.

I'm fortunate to be able to make time to trim each year so I'm lucky in that regard and it doesn't become a burden.
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